Today, like many others in recent weeks, is remindful of the movie, “Groundhog day,” where events seemingly repeat themselves in a daily time warp.
While John Kerry remains in Vienna, claiming to be working toward a nuclear treaty with Iran, according to an article, “Tens of thousands of Iranians chanted "Down with America" and "Death to Israel" during annual pro-Palestinian rallies nationwide on Friday, as a top leader said the U.S. would be making a "strategic mistake" if it pulled out of ongoing negotiations on Tehran's nuclear program.”
Furthermore, “At the rally, the hard-line protesters wrapped America, British, Israeli and Saudi flags around pillars and set them ablaze.”
Now, in this case, it’s certainly understandable as to what Iran desires. That nation wants out from under crippling sanctions and the unfreezing of billions of dollars. However, at the same time, any sane person would have to inquire as to why any intelligent person would even bother to negotiate with them. Considering that Iran’s quest for nuclear weaponry surely isn’t going to cease any time soon.
In another head-scratcher, one has to wonder why the press gives any credence to talk show host Trump, when his actions show he’s no different from any other wannabe politician. Except for the fact that he has less than zero functional governmental experience.
In Trump’s case, Rich Lowry, writes about Trump’s comments in November 2012 on his views on what went wrong in the presidential election for Republicans.
“Back then, Trump’s view on immigration was utterly conventional–he wanted a “comprehensive solution” to accommodate immigrants who want to be “wonderful productive citizens,” and thought Romney’s policy of attrition (infamously described as self-deportation) was “maniacal” and mean-spirited.”
The articles worth reading. Here’s a link”:
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, who ought to be preparing for entry of a considerable contender for her assumed inheritance of the Democrat presidential nomination.
Ariel Cohen, reports that “Last week, top Obama bundler Jon Cooper signed on to be the national finance chair of the Draft Biden 2016 PAC, an organization encouraging the vice president to enter the race for the White House. Major Obama fundraiser Shiva Sarram also joined the finance team on Wednesday.
"People I would describe as being in Biden's inner circle are giving increasingly positive signals that VP Biden will be throwing his hat in the ring," Cooper said. "I would have not agreed to take on this role with Draft Biden unless I thought that Biden would enter the race. Nothing's 100 percent but certainly all signals are pointed in that direction."
Therefore, if he can remember how to do it, or if someone helps him through the process, VP Biden will likely enter the presidential race. And, at the same time, Bernie Sanders poll numbers continue to grow. Which is why, perhaps, that Bill’ wife is scrambling to find issues she thinks will appeal to voters. Although typical for her, that involves changing her pitch from previous positions.
Philip Rucker, writes about, “Clinton’s determination to stake out liberal ground in her primary race against insurgent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — Clinton is not only initiating a debate about gun control but also vowing to fight the National Rifle Association.”
In response, “Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s executive vice president, argued that the move was fraught with peril for her,” saying through a spokesman, “We’ve been down this road before with the Clintons,. She needs to read her husband’s book.”
In his memoir, “My Life,” former president Bill Clinton suggested that his vice president, Al Gore, lost the 2000 presidential election in part because of backlash in states such as Arkansas and Tennessee over the Clinton administration’s 1995 ban on assault weapons, which has since expired. Many Democratic lawmakers also lost their elections after gun-control votes.”
Furthermore, her new anti-weapon stance drew a response from Bernie sanders that, unlike his usual babble, actually makes some sense. Sanders said, “If somebody has a gun and somebody steals that gun and shoots somebody, do you really think it makes sense to blame the manufacturer of that weapon?”
Which leads to the ongoing question, Mayor Bloomberg, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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