Wednesday, July 22, 2015


It’s truly amazing that after six years in the most important office in the world, the POTUS still hasn’t grown into the job at all. He’s handling the horrendous mistakes he’s made himself as if he were still campaigning, continuing blaming others for his own errors and misjudgments, while mud-slinging at opponents in every venue still available.
Charlie Spiering reports that, “During an interview on the Daily Show, President Obama insisted that the IRS scandal isn’t real. He blames Republicans for not providing enough money to the federal agency to allow it to do its job.
Obama explained that accusations that they were specifically targeting conservative organizations was false and that IRS employees were simply implementing laws passed by Congress “poorly and stupidly.”
Therefore, what the president's purposefully ignoring is evidence clearly showing deliberate IRS attempts to cover the targeting of opponents by destroying as many as 24,000 emails involving former official, Lois Lerner. And also omitting that Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, Russell George, and his deputy, Timothy Camus, told the House Oversight Committee in June that their investigation was able to recover more than 1,000 emails the IRS did not turn over to Congress, according to the written testimony.
What was also conveniently left out by the POTUS was the cost to the IRS of implementing, promoting and administering his health care tax.
At the same time, according to today, “The Obama administration has failed to make public separate side deals that have been struck for the ‘inspection’ of one of the most important nuclear sites—the Parchin military complex,” said Representative Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.) in a statement Tuesday. “Not only does this violate the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, it is asking Congress to agree to a deal that it cannot review.”
Thus, as always, politics has overridden sound foreign policy judgment in a way that is far more typical of one who is campaigning for office than would be expected from one not only already holding the job, but also responsible for the safety and wellbeing of his nation and its people.
But, if the first two items today weren’t enough proof of the POTUS remaining in the campaign mode of 2008, another short-sighted capitulation to his base was evidenced in a column by Jennifer Griffin and Lucas Tomlinson, as follows:
“Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno, weeks away from retirement after 39 years in uniform, spent more time in Iraq than any other U.S. Army general -- more than four years, the last two as top commander. He is widely viewed as a key architect of the Iraq surge.”
With his impeccable and greatly impressive personal history providing the authenticity of his opinion, the general said, “It's frustrating to watch it. I go back to the work we did in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 and we got it to a place that was really good. Violence was low, the economy was growing, politics looked like it was heading in the right direction.”
Also sadly disappointing was the general’s going on to say that, “the fall of large parts of Iraq was not inevitable," reiterating concerns about the pace of the U.S. troop withdrawal there.
And far worse, “If we had stayed a little more engaged, I think maybe it might have been prevented,” he said. “I've always believed the United States played the role of honest broker between all the groups and when we pulled ourselves out, we lost that role.”
So, here we have another case where, aside from the lives, strategic gains and billions of dollars wasted by senseless withdrawal from Iraq, we’re in a worse position now against an enemy that likely wouldn’t even exist had presidential responsibility outweighed street-corner politics.  
Which brings us to today’s updates on Bill Clinton’s wife. 
To begin, reports that, “A stunning new poll shows trouble brewing for Hillary Clinton in key swing states, with the Democratic presidential front-runner trailing potential Republican rivals in every match-up tested.
“The Quinnipiac University poll put Clinton head-to-head against Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in three states: Colorado, Iowa and Virginia. 
While she “was either clearly trailing or, as Quinnipiac phrased it, "on the wrong side of a too-close-to-call" race, a majority of voters in all three states also said they found Clinton not honest and trustworthy. 
She trailed Rubio by 8 points in Colorado, 38-46 percent, and Walker by 9 points, 38-47 percent. In Iowa she was behind Bush by 6 points, 36-42 percent; and Rubio by 8 points, 36-44 percent. 
However, Bill’s wife “wasn’t the only one taking a hit in the latest poll. Though Donald Trump has narrowly led the GOP presidential field in some recent polls, the Quinnipiac survey showed voters, by roughly 2-1, had a negative view of the billionaire real estate magnate." Meaning, his "growth potential" is lower than that of his GOP rivals.” 
What may be causing some of Bill's wife's current problems is that voters are gradually waking up to the fabrications employed as the basis for her campaign. Such as her attacks against big business, which her performance repudiates. 
Len Thomas and Lisa Lerer report on that, “Hillary Rodham Clinton's economic agenda targets companies that focus on short-term profits and high-speed trading instead of investing in workers. The Democratic presidential candidate's finance operation is going after their executives for another purpose — donations.
“A day after proposing higher capital gains taxes on short-term investors, Clinton raised at least $450,000 Tuesday night at the Chicago home of Raj Fernando, a longtime donor. His firm, Chopper Trading, specializes in high-frequency transactions and was recently purchased by Chicago-based competitor DRW.”
Additionally and far more telling about her true agenda, “In her first campaign finance report, people who listed occupations in banking, finance, investment, money management, private equity or venture capital contributed more than $1.6 million to Clinton's campaign, according to a review by The Associated Press. The vast majority of those checks were for the maximum legal amount of $2,700.”
Therefore, as frequently mentioned here, with almost a year and a half left to go in the long presidential campaign, bad news and negativity continue to mount regarding Bill’s wife. Which still leaves the door wide open for high-profile Democrats to enter the contest. Leading to the daily question: Mayor Bloomberg and Joe Biden, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.

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