Looks like the holiday weekend got off to a quick start. Very few items in the news today.
As far as the still dragging nuclear deal with Iran is concerned, FoxNews.com reports that, “Iran took a hard stance on two of the biggest demands of world powers in a final nuclear deal Thursday, rejecting any extraordinary inspection rules and warning that if the U.S. and other countries re-impose sanctions after the deal is done, it will ramp up enrichment of bomb-making materials.
“A senior Iranian negotiator told reporters outside Vienna the U.N. nuclear agency’s standard rules governing access to government information, sites of interests and scientists should be sufficient to ensure that Iran’s program is solely for peaceful purposes. Anything beyond that would be unfair, he said.”
Therefore, not only hasn’t any progress been made on the core issue of the deal, curbing Iran’s nuclear weaponry capability, that nation’s nuclear threats have now increased. Which only goes to prove once again, that this “deal” should never have been considered by the US in the first place.
Which brings us quickly to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. This one from John Sexton @breitbart.com.
Mr. Sexton writes about her sliding poll numbers, explaining that, “Hillary’s drop owes something to there being a somewhat credible alternative who excites the party’s hard left core, but it also probably has a lot to do with voter’s sense of embarrassment. No one wants to support a candidate they do not believe is truthful or trustworthy. Sanders may be unpolished, but at least he is earnest. Hillary has been shown to be a money-grubbing fraud, and her campaign and, most importantly, the candidate herself, don’t seem to have much to say about it.”
Mr. Sexton’s observation regarding Bill’s wife’s remaining quiet about her history is critical because, as he points out, “The only way for Hillary to improve her worsening situation is to come out from the undisclosed location where she is kept between appearances and try to answer the many outstanding questions about her Foundation, her email server, her husband’s lucrative speeches, and her dubious achievements as Secretary of State. Those questions remain outstanding because, as noted above, she has refused to answer them. But not answering is not making them go away. To consider just one example, it appears the claims she made about her homebrew email server a few months ago were not accurate. She is going to have to come up with new answers if she wants the issue to fade rather than fester.”
Reading the preceding summation of self-serving practices, professional incompetence, dubious behavior and fact-alteration illustrate clearly why she would prefer to avoid answering questions for as long as possible.
However, hiding away, avoiding press scrutiny doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, because, “Hillary’s camp has been saying that she would run as the underdog not the candidate of inevitability. But underdogs press the flesh and meet the press. They don’t get to take two weeks off between questions. Hillary is running a smile and wave campaign, and the polls indicate it isn’t working for her. She has already “launched” her campaign twice, maybe the third time will be the charm.”
Which means that the following question keeps growing in importance: “Mayor Bloomberg, are you reading this?
That's it for today folks.
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