Thursday, March 6, 2014


Two quite interesting items today, both on the same subject: An illustration of how little most people know about governmental responsibility, the economy and most important, self-reliance.
Dana Blanton,, reports that “President Obama’s job approval rating hits a record low this week, as a majority of Americans say his administration has mostly failed at growing the economy, creating jobs, improving health care and the country’s image.” According to a Fox News poll released Wednesday.
Ms Blanton notes that, “For the first time in a Fox News poll, fewer than four voters in ten -- 38 percent -- approve of President Obama’s job performance. Fifty-four percent disapprove. Before now Obama’s worst job rating was 40-55 percent in November 2013. Last month 42 percent approved and 53 percent disapproved (February 2014).
But what stood out far more than the numbers was that, “Overall, a 59-percent majority thinks the White House has mostly failed at creating jobs, up from 52 percent who said the same in October 2012. Likewise, 56 percent feel it has failed on growing the economy. That’s also up from 52 percent.”
However, the fact of the matter is that it isn't the responsibility of the White House, or government at all, to create jobs in a free market economy such as ours. Except for government itself and the military, job creation and development come from the working public.
Furthermore, those blaming poor governmental performance for dismal economic results are on the right track, but looking in the wrong direction. Because although this administration isn’t really responsible for job creation, its policies and overbearing restrictive legislation are obstructing business growth, performance and development to the greatest extent of any other before them. For every advance business-builders and entrepreneurs can come up with, this regulation-focused band of dissenters will find hundreds of ways to prevent them from succeeding.
Consequently, to easily attain true economic levels the nation’s capable of producing the object isn’t to have more government involvement at all. The solution rests in reducing it’s size and influence by 90%, starting with the Department of Justice, the EPA and IRS.  
Then there was this very interesting project by MRCTV's Dan Joseph, as follows.
According to, “Last week, the Democratic Party had their winter meeting and Mr. Joseph decided to ask DNC committee members and guests if they're ready for Hillary--and why.”
The answers really made the point to me because: “Some said she had about a hundred moments of greatness when she served under President Obama - but, strangely, couldn't name a single accomplishment of hers, besides marrying Bill Clinton.
Another attendee mentioned Clinton's stance on abortion as a reason to be super excited for Hillary Clinton in 2016.  As for her accomplishments, none came to mind, but she noted that Obama saw a reason for her to be nominated as Secretary of State.”
Mr. Joseph then noted that the answer to her appointment is called, "politics"
Now, as regular readers know, I frequently mention precisely the same thing, whereas other than marrying Willy this empty pants-suit hasn’t a single accomplishment of her own in life. 
And the good news is that although she hasn’t even decided to enter the race yet, if she does, whoever she runs against will shred her façade of an image in no time. Because she possesses no presidential talents or skills of her own and obviously, when asked to think about it, the voting public will surely realize that too.
That’s it for today folks.

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