Several items today, all indicating the gross ineptitude of the administration, carrying over to other aspects of government.
Fox News on-line reports that, “With just days to go before open enrollment ends on March 31, Maryland officials are reportedly planning to abandon its glitch-ridden ObamaCare website and replace the health exchange with technology from Connecticut’s marketplace.”
Now, that’s not really surprising because governments at any level really don’t know how to run anything. However, the part that stings most is: “The Washington Post reported late Friday that the board of the Maryland exchange will vote on changing the system that has cost at least $125.5 million at a meeting on Tuesday, the day after the end of the first enrollment period under ObamaCare. So far, the state says 49,293 Maryland residents have enrolled in private health plans as of last week, far short of the state’s original goal of 150,000 enrollments.”
So, what that means is Maryland added over $125 million on top of the $35.2 billion already spent at the federal level, yet only reached a third of its intended goal. Making it very hard to imagine how those in government think. Because any business run that poorly wouldn’t last for a New York minute in the real world. But, since its not their money, legislators don’t care how much they lose.
On a similar subject, government hypocrisy and double standards, Fox also reports, “[A] pair of arrests earlier this week, snagging Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon, who later resigned, and California state Sen. Leland Yee. The latter involved a tangled web of allegations including claims that the gun control-pushing lawmaker tried to connect an undercover agent with an international arms dealer.
The criminal complaint contained dramatic details about Yee's alleged efforts to connect an undercover agent with a firearms dealer.”
And here’s the crux, pointing out what politicians are really all about; The senator allegedly said in one of the meetings, "Do I think we can make some money? I think we can make some money."
Which brings me to Harry Reid, the epitome of self-serving scammers disguised as public servants.
According to Barbara Boland’s blog on “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Wednesday that, "I have never come to the floor, to my recollection, I've never said a word about examples that Republicans have given regarding ObamaCare and how it's not very good. Mr. President, the junior senator from Wyoming has come to the floor several times recently talking about the fact that examples that he and others Republicans have given dealing with ObamaCare, examples that are bad, I've called lies. Mr. President, that is simply untrue."
The truth of the matter, however -as was even mentioned here the day it happened- reported and a C-SPAN video of Reid confirmed that on the Senate floor, Reid stated: "We heard about the evils of Obamacare, about the lives it's ruining in Republicans' stump speeches and in ads paid for by oil magnates, the Koch brothers. But in those tales, turned out to be just that: tales, stories made up from whole cloth, lies distorted by the Republicans to grab headlines or make political advertisements. There's plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue, but they're being told all over America."
So, here we have a lying, denying worthless political slug who’s got to be well aware of whatever he utters. But obviously has so little regard for the public and particularly himself, he doesn’t care a whit about how far he’s sunk, or that “Reid” and “fabrication” have become synonymous.
And maybe that’s why a recent Fortune Magazine list turned out the way it did.
Late last week, “Fortune Magazine published a ranking of the world's 50 best leaders, pulling together a global list that includes heads of state, nonprofit leaders, sports luminaries and -- this being Fortune -- plenty of CEOs. Rounding out the top five are Pope Francis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally, investor Warren Buffett and former president Bill Clinton.
“But whatever inherent arbitrariness may exist in such lists, they can also be quite revealing. In this case, what's most telling is not just whether certain individuals were missing -- for example, it didn't go unnoticed that President Obama didn't make the list -- but that there was not a single currently active U.S. politician among the top 50. Bill Clinton is there, as is former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Hillary Clinton shows up on a list of "9 power couples" but not on the main list. But no other current U.S. political leader -- or hopeful -- is among the top 50.”
So, Mrs. Bill Clinton didn’t make it on her own, but was recognized for what she is: the bosses wife. Yet, the incumbent, the supposed “leader” of the U.S. and the rest of the free world didn’t make it at all. Which only goes to reinforce the fact that for the past five years the nation’s not only had no real leadership whatsoever, but is functioning quite well despite the drag from the White House that’s doing its best to turn the U.S. into a third-world country.
However, it isn’t only citizens suffering from irrational policy, one of our staunchest allies is being ostracized for political purposes, as well.
An article from via Drudge by Aron Heller, Associated Press, notes that significant numbers of Israelis are being denied entry into USA.
This one’s interesting because obviously the administration can prevent anyone it wishes to from gaining entry to the nation. So, while dealing with an ally it deems obstreperous it denies even short-term visitation. Yet, when it comes to millions of illegals flooding over the border, and all those potential Dem voters, it doesn’t even try to enforce the laws while inhibiting those who do so locally. And if that isn't politically motivated abuse of power, than what is?
The article’s interesting, here’s a link:
That's it for today folks.
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