Monday, March 31, 2014


Very busy business day today, but picked up three items on Fox by Chris Stirewalt.
First, from the Washington Free Beacon: “A leading healthcare expert poured cold water on the administration’s recent Obamacare enthusiasm, saying that three quarters of those signed up will face higher premiums than under their previous insurance. ‘Out of people that have signed up, about three quarters will find premiums higher than previously with other insurance,’ Dr. Toby Cosgrove, CEO of the Cleveland Clinic said on [“Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo”]. ‘Hospitals are going to be paid less for what they do,’ Cosgrove continued. ‘And we also know insurers are paying less too. We have to become more efficient in how we deliver care which is a big change for health care providers.’”
So, in this case, subscribers lose, providers lose, insurers make more and the only way to fix the problems are for providers to somehow or other get better at what they do. Therefore, this is a perfect example of government at work. Everyone loses except those paying most to lobbyists.
The next item is almost too incredible to believe.
The incumbent’s former campaign manager, David Plouffe, told ABC News on Sunday, that “Democrats can at least take solace in the fact that the law is unlikely to be repealed.”
Thus in this case, “Democratic Senate candidates currently have to explain why higher premiums, disrupted coverage and flummoxing federal requirements are necessary parts of improving health care for Americans, even though it wildly misses the mark of its stated aim of covering the uninsured.”  And then, “Despite massive press boosterism, the law has never been able to escape the gravity of its shoddy initial construction and laughably bad rollout.”
Therefore, one has to sit back and wonder whether this guy Plouffe is wrapped right. Because, apparently, he thinks being stuck permanently as being responsible for what’s likely the worst legislation in the nation’s history is a good thing. And if that’s his idea of success, perhaps he can find a way to take credit for the Hindenburg.
Then we come to “A new study from the conservative American Action Forum finds higher minimum wages required by 19 states increased the number of unemployed Americans by 747,700 and reduced job growth by 83,000.”
This one’s right in keeping with Dem philosophy as spouted by Jay Carney who must be thrilled that three quarters of a million more citizens are now going to be able to idly stay on their couches contemplating their navel's once minimum wages go up.
Lastly there’s this bit of news that must be giving the incumbent and his staff fits. 
According to, “Just 32 percent of military veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president, according to a new poll from the Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation. In a related question, only 42 percent of those surveyed said they believe Obama is a “good commander-in-chief of the military.” Forty eight percent said he is not. 
But here’s the poke in the eye that’s even worse for Dem’s. “Veterans were asked a similar question about former President George W. Bush. Sixty-five percent said they felt he was a good commander-in-chief, while 28 percent responded he was not.”
In closing then, it appears that while familiarity breeds contempt, for some such as the incumbent, increasing inability over time is just like water dripping on a rock. Sooner or later, things fall apart. And in this case, it doesn’t matter if issues are domestic or foreign, not a single one of them ever works right and more than likely, never will.
That’s it for today folks.

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