Sunday, March 2, 2014


Really dull news day, except for another confirmation of the incumbent’s lack of leadership capabilities in the eyes of the world. It’s become obvious that Vladimir Putin has no fear of the U.S as  he readies his troops for an invasion into Ukraine.
And then today, in the Sunday Review in the New York Times via Drudge, Maureen Dowd headed her column “Brace Yourself for Hillary and Jeb.” In it, she describes the incumbent as a “filler” between what she feels is the never-ending struggle between the Clinton's and Bush’s as the dominant forces in American politics for more than 32 years.
I mention this because in Ms Dowd’s opinion, if either or both choose to run there will be no opposition to their candidacies, which is something I agree with. Except, VP Biden may not simply roll over without a whimper. Obviously, that remains to be seen.
However, what was most interesting in the column was a brief, concise recap of a partial list of what Willy’s wife brings with her to start with, and the battle not only hasn’t begun, nobody’s even warmed up yet.
Aside from being 69 years old when the campaign starts, there’s what Ms Dowd referred to, regarding Willy’s tenure, as “a reign roiled by Hillarycare, Vince Foster, Whitewater, Webb Hubbell, Travelgate, Monica, impeachment, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Marc Rich — the looming prospect of another Clinton-Bush race makes us feel fatigued.”
Now, I realize it’s far too early to even suppose about what might happen should this contest for the White House eventually take place. But, I simply wanted to reprint the partial list of mistakes, incapability, abuses of power and embarrassments by the pair of worthless thugs from Arkansas because it’s so much fun.
That’s it for today folks.

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