Saturday, March 22, 2014


An article by Matthew Boyle of Breitbart on-line today illustrates why the leftist press is losing readership in droves. Primarily because the media members either distort the facts, or just as likely, don’t understand the subject matter at all. Therefore, political points are the major issue, true or not. 
According to Mr. Boyle, “[A] brouhaha started when Drudge tweeted, “Just paid the Obamacare penalty for not 'getting covered'... I'M CALLING IT A LIBERTY TAX.”
In answer, A White House aide set off a stampede of liberal media criticism for Internet news pioneer Matt Drudge over Obamacare. Jesse Lee, the Director of Progressive Media at Barack Obama's White House, responded that that was a “Flat lie, no fee for previous year,” adding, “Scary how much influence he once had.”
However, while many in the liberal press agreed with the White House response, claiming no tax was due from Drudge this year, Mr. Boyle writes, “but his critics don't seem to understand how small businesses pay taxes.
“Drudge indicated in his follow-up tweets that since he is self-employed as the proprietor of The Drudge Report, he files as a small business. According to the IRS’s website for self-employed individuals, they are required to pay taxes quarterly.
“As a self-employed individual, generally you are required to file an annual return and pay estimated tax quarterly,” the IRS website reads. 
“So, when they file and pay those 2014 first quarter taxes, such individuals have to pay the Obamacare Individual Mandate tax if they opted to not have health insurance—like Drudge just did.
“Additionally, the IRS form (1040-ES) for estimating quarterly taxes specifically recommends adding the mandate penalty to line 12 for "other taxes" -- to pay before the first quarterly deadline of April 15. 
“It is true that thousands of small businesses will be forced to pay Obamacare taxes quarterly in 2014,” a Senate Budget Committee aide told Breitbart News on Friday afternoon.”
Therefore, what will be really interesting to see is how many small businesses believe the incorrect information posted in the leftist press, and then are forced to remit penalties to the IRS for failure to file and pay. Because here we have another case of leftist propaganda which sounds wonderful, however simply isn’t true.  
The short article contains interesting details, so here’s a link: OBAMACARE TAX COLLECTION BEGINS; WHITE HOUSE SLAMS DRUDGE 'LIE'
That’s it for today folks.

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