Today’s items have significant interest because of trends underlying them, moreso then does the actual content itself.
Back on Saturday, March 22nd, the subject here was how the leftist press attacked Matt Drudge for making a major issue of his election to pay the healthcare tax penalty rather than purchasing insurance.
The crux of the matter was the fact that virtually none of the complaining reporters understood the tax themselves, and in Drudge’s case his actions were in total compliance with the requirements and under the law, precisely correct.
I mention the subject again, because today on Facebook, El Rushbo addressed the issue himself, as follows in this excerpt:
“RUSH: I think the mainstream media is pig-ignorant of practically every discipline except party discipline. Now, here's basically what happened. Matt Drudge is a self-employed small businessman.
As a result, Matt Drudge pays himself.
He does not have an employer. Therefore, he does not the get paychecks that contain all kinds of withholding for taxes and Medicare and FICA, Social Security, and whatever else. He has to pay all of his taxes separately and independently because they're not deducted. As such, as a small businessman, Matt Drudge and millions of others just like him -- including your harmless, lovable little fuzzball host -- pay our taxes every quarter.”
So, what Rush’s comments illustrate is, that he not only fully grasps the subjects he addresses, but apparently also reads my daily entries which is encouraging.
Then we come to a George Washington University Poll out this morning that finds “a tight top tier for the 2016 GOP nomination. Leading the pack is Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., with 38 percent, Former Gov. Jeb Bush, R-Fla., 36 percent, and embattled Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., 34 percent.”
This one’s interesting because Rand Paul yammers all day long, searches for photo ops and any interviewer who’ll talk to him. Christie too is all over the news, making his plans for a presidential run obvious to any who listen.
Jeb Bush, however, isn’t campaigning, hasn’t declared his intentions and is making no effort toward a presidential candidacy whatsoever. Yet he’s only two points behind Paul and leads Christie by the same margin. He’s also happens to be the best of the current bunch, which a significant number of constituents are apparently very aware of.
An then we come to the New York Times again, which seems to be subliminally shifting it's position. Because today according to the via Drudge, “{Times} reporter James Risen called the Obama administration “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation” on Friday, explaining that the White House seeks to control the flow of information and those who refuse to play along “will be punished.”
So, as noted at the start today, each of the items taken individually isn’t earth-shaking or even critically important. Yet, taken together they do seem to indicate an underlying trend.
Drudge continues to be a reliable, sustaining force regarding accurate credible news. Jeb Bush, who’s relatively mainstream, is gaining in popularity and the New York Times is publishing far more dissension in its ranks than it has for eons. Consequently, all of this is very good news for Republicans who’s only real enemy lately has been themselves, which for them is hopefully fixable.
That’s it for today folks.
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