Monday, March 24, 2014


Reading the news every day, watching almost every aspect of domestic policy turn disastrous, one has to wonder how long the nation can sustain successfully considering the administration’s incredible ineptitude.
And then, beyond the horrendous errors made here, foreign policy has almost disappeared totally, to boot.
Today, in John Fund’s column, The Corner in National Review Online, he writes: “As the U.S. military prepares to leave Afghanistan after nearly 13 years of conflict with the Taliban, three visiting U.S. congressmen had to endure a statement from Afghan president Hamid Karzai that was released while they were in Kabul.
Citing “the free will of the Crimean people,” Karzai’s office said, “We respect the decision the people of Crimea took through a recent referendum that considers Crimea as part of the Russian Federation.” To date, only Syria and Venezuela have taken a similar position.”
Even the faithful New York Times “suggests the Afghan move is linked to the fact that Russia has been increasingly active in offering development aid. Given Russia’s heavy influence on countries along Afghanistan’s border, maintaining a long-term relationship with the Kremlin is seen as essential to Afghan foreign policy. Moscow is also ramping up its investment in Afghanistan. It is rebuilding the relics of the Soviet occupation and promoting its own political and cultural prowess.”
So, all the American lives, money and time that have been invested over those 13 years has now been totally wasted due to current naiveté, inexperience, misguided ideology and flat-out incompetence at the top of the U.S. government.
And who’s the beneficiary making huge inroads all over the map, Vladimir Putin, once again eating the incumbent’s lunch. Because, after taking over Crimea, while Afghanistan borders Central and South Asia, it’s also part of the Greater Middle East, giving him another strategic foothold.
What’s more, while Russia may not have the wealth it once had, Mr. Putin’s using it very wisely, picking his spots where they’ll do the most good for his obvious plans to increase his nation’s dominance in the vacuum created by the absence of leadership skills in the U.S.
All of which goes to show that sooner or later, even the best speech-makers that ever existed have to perform to prove their worth. Which is why every good poker player understands that one can’t bluff on every hand. Because the ones holding the cards, like Putin is, know when they say “put up or shut up,” losers are going to fold their hands.
That’s it for today folks.

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