Sunday, March 16, 2014


Two items today, both from the New York Times via Drudge.
The first, by Ellen Barry and Sophia Kishkovsky, reports that “Last week, in the midst of the Crimean crisis and on the heels of the Sochi Olympics, Mr. Putin’s approval rating had increased to 71.6 percent, the highest point since he returned to the presidency in 2012, according to a poll released by the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion last week.”
Which means that while the incumbent and his assistant foreign policy twerp, John Kerry, walk into walls and talk to themselves, Vladimir Putin’s gaining political strength, making the U.S. look the weakest its ever been in the eyes of the rest of the world. Therefore, it took this administration only five years to undo what was built over the preceding 200 and turn it's hard-earned status into an international shambles and embarrassment. 
At the same time, Times Op-Ed Columnist, Maureen Dowd headed her column today, “Dems in Distress”
She writes that “At the heart of all this, really, is that the White House totally blew the rollout of the health care law and Democrats have not recovered. It provided a huge opening for Republicans, who had just shut down the government and were tanking in the polls and in despair themselves.
Due to the inability of the president and congressional Democrats to move their agenda through Congress, the president is having to govern through executive order and revising federal regulations. 
Republicans have latched on to this to make the case around the country that Obama is a dictator and an imperial president. But governing through executive order isn’t a sign of strength. It’s a sign of weakness.
And it’s that weakness that has Democrats scared to death.”
This is noteworthy because, while things are disastrous overseas, here at home the nation’s disheveled as well, in large part due to the totally irrational new health care tax, which is proving to be unmanageable.
But, the point that really stands out, and has been mentioned here many times before, is the Republicans going so far as to shut the government down in protest of that tax, which never should have been enacted in the first place.
Yet, by doing the right thing, and causing a shutdown, Republicans have been castigated in the media time and again, which actually makes no sense. In fact, those pointing out the ridiculous, and as now well known, unworkable aspects of the tax, should be commended for their insightfulness and perhaps given medals for bravery because they were and still are, absolutely correct.
That’s it for today folks.

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