Typing these entry’s every day has become a significant challenge. Because although words are a significant part of the endeavor, the mistakes made by the current administration test one's ability to come up with accurate descriptions of it’s mistakes, ineptitude, incapability, absolute lack of knowledge and total ignorance of quality governance.
Its become obvious to anyone with an IQ of more than two digits that preserving the incumbent’s health care tax regardless of flaws, inequities and damage to the nation’s health care system is far more important to him than health care itself. And that’s because its purpose is ideological and political, having nothing to do with the delivery of medical services service at all.
Whereas health care amounts to twenty percent of the nation’s economy, government control of this segment is a significant step in gaining and employing absolute power.
However, while the premise and logic might be ingenius for those wishing to rule autocratically, those populating the administration are so inept, shortsighted and incompetent, they themselves don’t understand how to design what they want. Because, beyond all the mechanical flaws, mistakes in judgment and incompetence on the part of those building the system, they’ve done such a miserable job of construction, they’ve even alienated large groups of ardent supporters.
A report on Fox News today notes that, “A new report from a major U.S. union says ObamaCare will hasten income inequality.
Although it defends the intent behind the Affordable Care Act, the report entitled “The Irony of ObamaCare: Making inequality worse,” concludes that the law will transfer a billion dollars in wealth to insurance companies, uneven the playing field in the market, force employers to cut back on hours and result in pay decreases, Ralston Reports said.
The promise of Obamacare was the right one and the hope for extending healthcare coverage to the un-and under-insured a step in the right direction,” the report says. “Yet the unintended consequences will hit the average, hard-working American where it hurts: in the wallet.”
So, here we have a glaring example of the fatal flaws comprising socialism. Because although the original plan for the tax was a step toward wealth redistribution, both sides lose out, the rich and the poor. However, as usual, the insurers wind up with another billion for themselves, just like clever, industrious capitalists are supposed to and always will.
That’s it for today folks.
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