Though global warming’s a frequent topic here, particularly the costs involved in this major fraud, until this morning I was unaware of the staggering amount that’s actually been wasted on this politically-motivated payback scam to date.
Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), a ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Wednesday at a hearing on the Defense Department’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget that President Barack Obama has wasted $120 billion on global warming over the past five years. Money he thinks would be better spent on the military.
According to the senator's website, he went on to say, “I've been working on this for quite some time ... In the last five years, between 2009 and 2014, the president has spent $120 billion on the environmental agenda, mostly global warming, climate and that type of thing. And in that respect, if you'll just take the amount that was not authorized by Congress -- and I'm talking about the environmental agenda, you could actually buy 1,400 F-35s.”
And then, along the same lines of the costs this administration has foisted on the public, the incumbent spoke at a Spanish-language media health care town hall meeting last week.
There according to Town he “dismissed concerns from a low-income man that the monthly premiums for the cheapest plans were too expensive for his family to afford.”
The incumbent’s solution was, “The man should "prioritize health care" and cut spending on things like cable, cell phone, and other things to afford insurance. Here's a link to the Q & A.
Obama to Latino Town Hall- Cut Cable, Cell Phone to Afford ACA Plan
So, because the only way that his health tax can work financially is to have people overpay for care, while also purchasing services they likely won’t ever want or need, they should give up the things in life they work so hard to acquire. Which leads to the only rational conclusion one could reach, that this demented, self-serving autocrat lives in a world that functions well only in his head, and is light-years from reality.
That’s it for today folks.
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