Friday, January 4, 2013

BloggeRhythms 1/4/2013

Without going into a lot of documented detail, I guess today’s items come under the heading of things that really rub me the wrong way. And naturally they involve politicians.
Yesterday, it was announced that a company in which Al Gore’s a substantial investor, sold its TV channel, “Current” to the network Al Jazeera.
Now the sale's a business deal and I certainly have no problem with that, however Al Jazeera itself is owned by the government of Qatar which is the U.S. closest ally in the Gulf Region, and where the United States bases its Middle East Air Force operations. But, it was it's oil and gas business, that accounted for more than half of Qatar's 2010 GDP, according to estimates by Qatar National Bank.
So here we have a guy who continually promotes environmental issues, pushes for the use of alternative energy, trades carbon credits, warns of global warming that doesn’t even exist and continually rails against the threats of fossil fuel emissions and then goes out and happily accepts cash raised from the sale of all that oil he continually rails against.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’d normally find the incredible hypocrisy here to be almost beyond belief. However, since it’s a politician involved, and a Democrat to boot, this news is simply par for the course.
Which brings me to my next subject which involves the incumbent’s signing of the bill that brought us back from the brink of the dreaded “fiscal cliff.”
What intrigued me about this one was all the noise and smoke about how the “rich” abuse the system, don’t pay their flair share, cause all those below them fiscal grief and that those living in luxury should be demonized. However, when signing the new legislation the incumbent was golfing in Hawaii and used an “auto-pen” for the deed while taking in sun in absentia.
And as for me, I find that I now really prefer writing these daily entries to writing books. Because my recent works are fiction which means I really have to wrack my brain creating unique, believable, interesting plots. However, these phonies and frauds in politics do things every day that are so far beyond rational reality, nobody on the planet could make it up. So all I have to do now is comment on what they’ve done and let their incredible behavior speak for itself.
That's it for today folks.

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