Saturday, January 19, 2013

BloggeRhythms 1/19/2013

I’ve written about gun control several times over the past few weeks, particularly concerning the attempts of politicians, liberal pundits and celebrities to use the tragic Newton Connecticut shootings to support their belief that the public be stripped of arms.  
And though the subject is certainly critically important, my perspective wasn’t the issue itself. My intent was illustrating the various ways high profile types continually seek to use these kinds of tragedies primarily to benefit themselves. 
A perfect example of such is all the promotion and hoopla made over new legislation that will likely do nothing to solve the root causes of violence at all. Yet, this beating of anti-gun drums garnered huge media attention nationwide, from the White House on down, although the legislation finally proposed is actually quite feeble when you get to the fine print. 

Along the lines of self-aggrandizement, however, I mentioned a suburban newspaper in New York a few days ago, The Journal News, that disclosed thousands of gun permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties by posting their addresses on interactive maps.  
And then today, according to Jim Fitzgerald of the Associated Press, apparently some unnamed but displeased gun owner or group reacted as follows: “The addresses of some Journal News staffers were posted online, and threats were called in to the newspaper's offices. The newspaper hired armed guards in response.”
Although the paragraph was buried halfway through Mr. Fitzgerald's article, I found it really interesting that those who were so quick to expose where gun owners lived in order to make anti-weapon headlines, now apparently feel the need for self-protection's perfectly acceptable when their own safety and well-being's involved. However, I think their height of hypocrisy is incredible and wonder why they don’t want to face potential personal harm unarmed although they think everyone else should.

So, let’s chalk this one up right next to the incumbent and the governors that want to ban gun ownership by peaceful civilians while they themselves have Secret Service or state police protection 24/7/365. Because if you ever wanted to find a more blatant example of self-serving elitism, I doubt you’d find it if you searched for years. 
But then again, just like the arrogant dolts at the Journal News, if I were one of them I’d seek protection too. Because they certainly earned the animosity of a huge group of gun-owning members of society and who knows, maybe one of them's going to actually use one in their case.

That’s it for today folks.

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