Today’s item comes under the heading of simple curiosity. While scanning the headlines on Drudge just now, I came across one saying “Massachusetts governor proposes massive new tax-hike plan.”
Written by Galen Moore, Web Editor of the Boston Business Journal, the article reports that “Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick on Monday laid tax and fee increases and new taxes on the table, including more than doubling the state's gas tax.”
Details of the governor’s plan include: Raising the gas tax from 21 cents to 51 cents per gallon. Raising the sales tax from 6.25 percent to 7.75 percent. Raising the state income tax to 5.66 percent from 5.25 percent. Levying a vehicle miles-traveled tax at 2.4 cents per mile.
Additionally, new emissions-based vehicle title and registration fees could raise $175 million while a payroll tax on workers in regions with transit service could raise $140 million to $207 million.
The subject intrigued me because in the last few months I recall reading about Republican governors in state after state where the stories all seem to be about balanced budgets in those venues, lowered taxes, increasing business revenue and opportunity along with decreasing unemployment.
There are a few duds in the bunch, such as Christie in New Jersey, but they seem to be few and far between.
So, I guess I have to ask the question as to why voters want to do themselves in financially, lower their standards of living, and sit quietly back while misguided liberals redistribute their income and assets. Because from Gerry Brown in California to Cuomo in New York, and now Patrick in Massachusetts there couldn’t be more proof that voting for Democrats is practically fatal economically for anyone striving to do well for themselves.
But the worst thing of all isn’t simply the continual financial drain these Democrats cause on their constituencies, it’s their refusal to learn from their perpetual economic mistakes and insistence on repeating the same fiscal errors. And the proof of that is, every one of their venues is either stagnant or shrinking businesswise, which is why they keep needing to raise taxes.
Now, I guess you could say then, that these governors seem to be quite dim intellectually speaking. However it doesn’t seem to matter very much to them at all. Because, just like the incumbent in the White House, somehow or other they’ve amassed groups of supportive voters even dumber than they are.
That’s it for today folks.
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