Though having seen innumerable things go on in the world by now, I truly can’t recall any people anywhere as arrogantly wrong or blatantly hypocritical as the current administration. And today’s item fits that description absolutely perfectly.
As happens fairly often, the timing of yesterday’s entry was a step or two ahead of events. The topic was gun control, expressing my thought that if the public were forced to surrender their firearms, than public servants, POTUS included, should be stripped of Secret Service protection or any other bodyguard types. Because in our nation, we’re all free and equal in all ways which means we’re all entitled to protection from harm, regardless of station or status.
When writing that entry, although it was somewhat tongue in cheek, I believe my point was unequivocally valid. And also truly believe that other than somehow having been elected to office, not only are the vast majority of politicians no better than us average citizens, most coat the bottom of the capabilities barrel at best. However, with their cumulative self-preservational power, they really do take care of themselves extremely well.
And then, lo and behold, Paul Joseph Watson of writes today that “Despite launching a gun control agenda that threatens to disarm the American people, President Obama has signed a bill that would afford him armed Secret Service protection for life.”
So, just like a metronome that doesn’t miss a beat, the incumbent once again takes advantage of a horrendous tragedy for personal gain (right after Hurricane Sandy where thousands are still homeless after all his photo ops) by enacting “legislation, crafted by Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, (that) rolls back a mid-1990s law that imposed a 10-year limit on Secret Service protection for former presidents. Bush would have been the first former commander in chief affected,” reports Yahoo News.”
Mr. Watson goes on to state that, “The new bill, which will cost American taxpayers millions of dollars, is a re-instatement of a 1965 law which will see presidents protected for life as well as their children up to age 16.”
In closing today then, I guess I really should stop simply badgering the administration and give them some credit for once. Because having the foresight to realize that continually empowering teachers unions ensures diminished education, lowered reading skills and minimization of knowledge amongst much of the citizenry. Therefore, abuses of power and takings of privilege have a far less chance of discovery or public outrage.
And in that way, by dumbing down society, those in office help protect themselves. However, just in case there’s a slip-up somewhere in the system and some disgruntled citizen slides through, I’m sure the pol’s all feel better knowing that they’ve still surrounded by folks with weapons while the general public’s being stripped of their own.
That's it for today folks.
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