Not much in the news today of interest at all. But an article on ABC News on-line regarding gun control caught my eye.
In this case though, it wasn’t the column itself that I found interesting, because the text was just more of the same old, same old, about VP Biden and his efforts to ban assault weapons along with a push for mental health checks for those wishing to buy guns in general.
At the end of the piece (no pun intended), however, was the following sentence: “An ABC News/Washington Post poll released yesterday found 53 percent of Americans favored Obama’s gun control plan favorably, 41 percent unfavorably.”
Now, I don’t know about you, but I would simply assume that those favoring anything at all, regardless, would do so favorably. In fact, I’m pretty sure that if they favored something unfavorably, it’s likely they’d also find it unfavorable.
But, considering that this issue revolves around the VP, I could be wrong because language-wise he’s a lot like Archie Bunker, who spent an entire TV career run with his foot in his mouth.
And I certainly understand that it was a writer who posted this story, and absolutely not Biden himself. But it occurred to me that perhaps close proximity to the VP is catching, intellectually, resulting in diminishing skills.
That’s it for today folks.
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