In keeping with noted patterns and trends of the administration, another one was reinforced this morning whereas the Associated Press via Drudge reported that the incumbent let his jobs council quietly expire this week without renewing its charter.
Made up of representatives from the business world, intended to provide first-hand expertise and advice, the council only met four times in total and not once in the past twelve months.
I mention this because it further indicates to me that the incumbent has no understanding, nor seemingly any interest, in how the nation’s economy works. And like many others who place costly social issues at the top of the list with no knowledge of how to afford them, sooner or later find out that they’ve broken the bank.
In the present case, while the economy shrank by 0.1 percent from October through December of last year, the first quarterly drop since 2009, the incumbent pushed congress to increase the debt limit again.
So, what the forgoing indicates to me is that the only two things he knows regarding finance is how to borrow and spend, and evidently believes that this can go on forever. What’s more, he not only does absolutely nothing to really stimulate economic growth, he permits biased anti-business supporters to stifle whatever attempts are made to increase productivity via taxation, over-regulation and promotion of too-costly union labor wherever they can.
Therefore, when you couple all the forgoing together with the developing trends of top producers leaving high-taxation states; I have to keep believing that my recurring themes of the incumbent eventually presiding over nothing will actually come to pass. The only thing I’ve yet to figure out is, where all those who used to drive the economy, and therefore the nation, will all decide to go.
That’s it for today folks.