Saw this article yesterday from the Associated Press that said, "A mix of snow, rain and slush made for sheer misery at the Occupy Wall Street encampment in New York City, where drenched protesters hunkered down in tents and under tarps as the plaza filled with rainwater and melted snow. Although technically, tents are banned in the park, protesters say authorities have been looking the other way, even despite a crackdown on generators that were keeping them warm."
But here’s the quote that caught my eye. This guy, Nick Lemmin, who’s 25 and from Brooklyn was spending his first night at the encampment. He was one of a handful of protesters still at the park early Sunday, and he said, “I had to come out and support. The underlying importance of this is such that you have to weather the cold."
So, my question for Mr. Lemmin is: What exactly is he supporting? Does he want his student loans forgotten, forgiven, or reduced? Is he anti-military/anti-war? Is he one of the Neo-Nazis? Is he a teacher who wants to work less hours for more benefits and more pay? Or is he one of those who resent the bank and industrial bailouts and believes they help cause high unemployment and job insecurity?
I ask because, regardless of his problems, issues or complaints, he and all his compatriots are camping out in the wrong place. Almost every issue -except for the teachers who always look for forums to reinforce their rip-off of the taxpaying public and the Neo-Nazis who likely don’t even know where they are- stems from Washington, DC, the administration and Congress.
Consequently, I think Mr. Lemmin and his cohorts would accomplish considerably more if they got on trains, buses, or hitch-hiked -based on their financial conditions- and got themselves down to DC. Because, due to the now-boring little squawk protesters have made so far, the president’s already given away millions of taxpayer bucks in student loan and mortgage concessions and likely plans to do more.
So, now’s the time for the protesting loser’s to strike while the iron’s hot (analogy intended) and grab some real loot for themselves. Because the clock’s ticking and the new guy in the White House after November likely won’t be so quick to give hard-working voter's money away in the future. And that means that Mr. Lemmin and friends then may have to leave their rent-free heated tents, union donated food and live entertainment and actually look for real jobs.
That’s it for today folks.
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