I continually find it amazing that the so-called party of the people, the Dem's, is so often guilty of riding over them roughshod in order to either try to prove it's point, or otherwise simply for political or personal gain.
We've seen it in the ramming through of healthcare legislation which is causing loss of many existing jobs and fostering unemployment because of its costs to employers. We've seen it in banking regulation, such as Dodd-Frank, wherein requirements are so stringent banks can now lend only to the most pristine applicants or face serious repercussion. And as mentioned here quite often before, the EPA and NLRB not only stand squarely in the way of new business ventures or expansion, they severely punish many of those already in existence. The list of anti-business measures Dem's take goes on and on, primarily because they have no understanding nor interest in how business works.
But today I read an item that demonstrates even further how upside down Dem thinking, if they actually do any, really is.
According to Fox news, it seems Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois, has a plan suggesting that the government directly hire the nation’s 15 million unemployed Americans, at a cost of about $600 billion and put them to work cleaning up communities. This is what he said, "We put people to work through a civilian conservation corps, through a Works Progress Administration because the hour demands it. It could be a five-year program (and) for another $104 billion, we bail out all of the states. For another $100 billion, we bail out all of the cities.”
He then continued “We put people to work. And as more people work, they pay taxes, they pay taxes into the 4th quarter, they buy wares, they buy homes, they meet their obligations and our economy begins to work its way out of this protracted recession. That’s the only way out of this crisis. And I hope the president begins to continue to exercise extraordinary constitutional means based on the history of Congresses that have been in rebellion in the past.”
So, after reading his comments and thinking them through I was somewhat surprised when I realized that here we have Jesse Jackson, Jr., of all people, proposing what sounds like outright slavery to me. Because nowhere in his proposal did I see any reference to his asking any of those unemployed folks if they wanted those jobs, or even if they were able to do that kind of work. His position clearly says, I repeat, "I hope the president begins to continue to exercise extraordinary constitutional means based on the history of Congresses that have been in rebellion in the past.” That sure sounds like forced labor to me. (And by the way: What does "begins to continue" mean? Is that the opposite of "proceeding to stop?" And I don't think it's an oxymoron. It seems to me that this guy's a total moron.)
So once again I'm a little bit confused, because another pillar of the party of the little folks who haven't any clout, wants to totally disregard their freedom and use them to perform menial tasks while they work off the horrendous debt the Dem party's created on its own. And that's why I continue to shake my head in disbelief that anyone who doesn't prefer being broke and idle would ever vote for a Democrat, or worse a Liberal. Because when it comes to doing anything that's any good for anyone, anywhere, any time, these folks are not only clueless, they don't care a whit about anyone but themselves either.
That's it for today folks.
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