Saturday, October 29, 2011

BloggeRhythms 10/29/2011

There seem to be some who think that since the controversies over Solyndra and Fast and Furious show no signs of going away anytime soon, the president faces an uphill battle of staying focused on winning re-election next November. On Friday the White House announced it's ordered a review of the Energy Department’s loan guarantee program while multiple investigations swirl over Solyndra. Meanwhile, at least eight Republican lawmakers are calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign over the botched federal gun-trafficking program known as Fast and Furious.

Then I read an article this morning, that says public opinion's tipped against the president's new health-care law according to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s monthly tracking poll. In the October survey, 51% of respondents now say they have an unfavorable opinion of the legislation passed by Democrats in March 2010, while only 34% feel favorably about it. The information came from a nonpartisan telephone survey of 1,223 people in October.

Beyond that, unemployment figures haven't changed much at all, still hovering at above nine percent while nothings been done to incent businesses to hire at all. In fact, it's expected that the NLRB and EPA will not only continue to strangle business opportunity, but have piles of new legislation to introduce that will make it even worse.

Many more think it's a terrible mistake to withdraw troops from Iraq completely, and that more should have been done to have their new government cooperate with us, considering we saved and rebuilt their nation. But instead, we've probably handed all we've done over to Iran who now fully believe we're timid and not too bright, and they'll just move right in as soon as we're gone.

Then we have the Wall Street protesters who at the moment have no clue as to why or what they're protesting. But, to assuage them the president's changed terms and conditions of loans they've signed. However, the awareness that he can apparently change any loan payback arrangements he wants, will likely scare off any viable lenders of any kind. Because now they're terrified he might do it to them. And that scenario puts a huge crimp in any expansion of business nationwide.

So, I guess this all goes to show, and it isn't half the problem, that when you have someone in charge who knows absolutely nothing about what he's doing, things can go downhill pretty quickly. And what's needed to fix it isn't a new speech, plan, or program...what's direly needed is a completely new and experienced leader.

That's it for today folks.


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