Sunday, October 2, 2011

BloggeRhythms 10/2/2011

Bill Clinton was in Little Rock on Saturday, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the start of his presidential campaign. During a speech, he defended the current president against what he called the same anti-government stances he faced during his two terms in office.

He joked that his mother was the only one who believed the then governor of a small southern state would win the presidency, and later said about his candidacy, "We just made a decision that the country needed a new kind of politics, a new kind of economics, a new commitment to get into the next century with the American Dream alive and well, a commitment that would restore the middle class and give people who were poor a chance to work into it. We decided to stop the politics of pitting one American against another by race, by ethnicity, by gender, by income, by anything else. We decided, `well, we tried all that for a while, let's try working together and see how that works out."

So, as I interpret his comments, I think he's likely remembering words from countless speeches and writings. But, as I look back, I don't recall his ever accomplishing anything much except getting busted for taking sexual advantage of a young, helpless victim of his overwhelming power.

On the other hand, I do clearly remember scads of his proposed legislation fortunately being voted down because both houses of Congress were controlled by the other party, saving the nation from its passage. I also remember the Clinton's version of HillaryCare which would have given us all the travesty now faced in O'bamaCare, but fifteen years sooner. But, thank's to Congress, we dodged that bullet back then too.

But, what really kept Clinton's presidency alive, and got him elected for a second term, was a guy named Alan Greenspan, a Republican who somehow was kept on to head the Federal Reserve Bank. Greenspan's money management genius kept the economy humming to the extent that Clinton could do whatever he pleased, so long as it wasn't new legislation, and he'd have been reelected over and over again because no one paid any attention to him, they only cared about Greenspan and the great job he was doing.

So, with all that time on his hands because he wasn't really needed at all, Clinton ate fried chicken, hung out with Dick Morris as I recall, another card-carrying weasel, and chased bimbettes. Then, in the end, he was impeached by Congress for lying under oath but not removed from office because it was so late in his second term.

Thus, in conclusion we have a guy who never really got anything accomplished on his political agenda, but BS'ed his way through two terms in office giving advice to another failure on how to succeed. And the funny thing is, that now that we have a Tea Party helping make the current incumbent look good, we might get stuck with his re-election too.

That's it for today folks.


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