The Senate voted on the president's new jobs bill yesterday, and as expected by just about anyone familiar with the submission at all...the bill was defeated. The indications now are that the bill will be segmented into pieces, each to be introduced separately, because it's known that there are several, perhaps quite a few, parts of the bill that both parties agree on.
But, leaving the particulars aside for the moment, and looking at only the process, it's quite obvious that for both sides this whole scenario was simply a political game. Because both sides clearly knew long ago that the bill could never pass in the Senate, even though the vote was close. But even if it did get through, it would certainly be voted down in the House.
So, my question for today is: Why is the behavior of both political parties in Congress tolerated by the public? Because while there are approximately 16 to 17% of the American workforce either un or under-employed, these politicos are playing games designed to keep them in office by using those who are out of work, and can't support themselves at all, as foils.
And to prove the point, you don't have to know much about business or have a degree in economics because the facts have been discussed in the news every day for more than three years. It's already been shown that stimulus doesn't work, and the last time around it cost taxpayers $666 billion to prove it.
So why introduce a new jobs bill not only based on additional stimulus spending, but also including new taxes, albeit only on the rich? The answer is, it was never intended for the bill to pass at all...the strategy was that after the legislation was voted down, the president could then say it was politically motivated Republicans that are standing in the way of job creation.
But, on the other hand it's also known that there are many things the president can do if he really wants to create employment opportunity in the U.S. instead of diddling around with sham legislation.
Simply permitting the drilling for oil here would add billions in new business. Repealing Dodd-Frank legislation would add billions more. Shutting down Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae would provide significant help to the under-water mortgage situation. Pulling back, or greatly restricting, the EPA and NLRB would alone be incentive for business investment. Additionally, billions more would return to our country if offshore funds could be brought back without onerous costs and taxes. If these few items, along with eliminating the horrendous mis-use of billions more of taxpayers funds on frauds like Solyndra, would pretty quickly put our economy right back where it belongs...the best in the world.
But no, that's not what politicos do. Instead of dealing honestly and effectively with the needs of the nation and it's inhabitants, they pander to cronies, special interest groups and constituencies that keep them in office, regardless of how many citizens they harm financially or otherwise in the process. So the folks who suffer are simply pawns in a game who have no more importance than wooden pieces on a board.
Nonetheless, this time around I think politicos of every stripe may have played too hard, especially those in the White House, because there isn't a friend or foe they haven't harmed one way or another. The damage to all has been horrendous. And that's why I think that quite soon, be it for better or worse...there's definitely going to be a new game in town and a whole new array of players.
That's it for today folks.
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