Tuesday, October 4, 2011

BloggeRhythms 10/4/2011

The more I read about unrest in the nation, protests and marches, the more I wonder about how folks get to be so confused about how our country works. Because the basic premise is simple, involves no politics and has proven itself all day, every day, for two hundred years.

The U.S. was founded to give folks the freedom to fend for themselves and get government off people's backs. In that way, everyone was equal and to succeed all they had to was work. Now, naturally, some were better than others at getting things done and accumulated more for themselves, but that's the way it's supposed to happen in an open and free world. And nowhere in the original plan do I recall non-productive folks being invited to come to America's shores as guests, with their survival, well-being, and needs seen-to by all the rest.

That's why this morning I was intrigued when I saw an article about Van Jones, an ex-White House advisor, openly disdaining the Tea Party's ideals and ideas. But, nonetheless, he's urging liberal activists to "steal" their playbook.

Jones says that although there's really no "party" involved, just a bunch of folks with similar ideas, they've banded together to the extent that they're having some meaningful impact. But, whereas Tea Party'ers are trying to minimize government, favor economic growth and lower taxes, he thinks a concerted effort can be made to do the reverse. Which includes, for example, finding a more positive way to vilify Wall Street.

And there's where I get confused about Liberal's intent.

Because, if there were no successful businesses and if most dollars earned by them were taken for redistribution through taxes, fees and charges, where would the money come from to support all the hangers-on?

What's more, the present administration can never accomplish it's goal of forcing those who produce to fully carry all the dead weight of non-productive parasites on their backs, because the producers are always several steps ahead in protecting themselves. And that's certainly not due to greed, avarice or ill-intent. It's simply because they're all considerably smarter than anyone in government, especially the current president.

So, here's my suggestion for today concerning all the losers out there looking for handouts. I think their lives could be made even easier if they simply backed off a bit and stopped calling attention to themselves. Because if they just took everything they're given, got out of the way and shut up, the producers performance would improve, they'd have more to donate and the failures would win again.

That's it for today folks.


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