As I mentioned yesterday, there's a lot of noise currently being made about discrimination and civil right and liberties. Even moreso because of Peter King's planned investigation this week into threats posed by Islamic radicalization in the U.S.
And all the hullabaloo about mistreatment of people reminded me of the old adage, which Tony Blair also mentioned in his new biography, "A Journey."
After visiting the U.S. early on in his political career, Blair said he has a very simple way of determining whether a country's desirable to live in or not. Are there more people trying to get in or to get out?
So, when you get right down to it, the U.S. may not be perfect and certainly has its flaws. But, overall, its not a bad place to be, especially for all those who simply want to live their lives as American citizens. But, if for any reason particular folks have a problem with that, and want to change the rules, the door swings both ways and they're absolutely free to go back where they came from any time they want.
That's it for today folks.
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