Monday, March 7, 2011

BloggeRhythms 3/7/2011

Peter King, representative from New York is chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. Later this week, he's hosting a hearing looking into threats posed by Islamic radicalization in the U.S. Naturally, he's facing all kinds of opposition from various religious, rights advocacy and civil liberties groups.

To me however, this is one of those issues where you're damned if you do or you don't. Because while there's no question that some innocents might get tainted, or feel unwarranted persecution, to do nothing invites considerable peril. And that's the whole problem with permissiveness and political correctness. While people are falling all over each other, and biting their tongues lest they hurt someone's feelings, cities like San Francisco are turning into third world swamps.

So, I guess the basic dilemma is: If you don't ask the hard questions and look under the rocks, how are you going to ferret out those who want to do this nation in? And that's pretty much what happened right after September 11.

Although there were huge outcries and demonstrations against invasion of privacy and the like, regarding screening and other safety measures that were intensified for entry to public places, buildings and aircraft, there hasn't been another incident since.

Now, whether incidents have been prevented or stopped due to security intensity or not, which can really never be proven one way or the other, I'd rather see over-protection pursued instead of outright gambling on the alternative, even if it causes me some personal inconvenience in the bargain.

That's it for today folks.


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