I had a memory flash this morning which probably doesn't mean anything, but might be worth a couple of keystrokes.
Way back in June 2010, I mentioned reading about a $2 billion loan guarantee given by the U. S. to a Brazilian company controlled by George Soros, for oil exploration in Brazil. The rationale advanced by the Ex-Im Bank here was that project would require tools and technology purchased from the U.S., so the loan's basis was stimulating foreign trade.
At the time, there were lot's of stories about an Obama/Soros connection, including items suggesting that it was Soros' huge lobbying power and funds that got Obama the presidential nomination to begin with.
Now, I certainly don't know if any or all of the stories have any merit, and I also don't think there's any reliable method of ever learning any of the real truths, either way.
But, the thing that got me thinking was, what if the shut-down in the Gulf and the administration's refusal to permit drilling there again are somehow tied together? And what if the reliance on foreign oil is desired, rather than utilizing the vast resources we have here? And what, if all of a sudden, Brazil comes to our rescue, by stepping in to provide much needed oil?
Well, if as they say, you can find the truth to almost by following the money, the potential payback in this case would likely make the $2 billion guarantee look like a drop in the drum.
That's it for today folks.
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