As time goes by and the flow of information improves, its amazing what we learn about how our so-called leaders think and act.
And though it's been known for quite some time, it's not been until recent years that significant truths have surfaced proving that electees rarely care about anyone but themselves. And cases in point at present illustrate that although the country and its population are in dire need of help, politicos will continue to play games because their primary concerns are party affiliation and party lines above else.
That's why Republican House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor,was pleased yesterday when Senator Schumer of New York was heard before the start of a conference call telling other Democrats that they should use the word "extreme" to describe Republican budget demands. Because, he said, "that's what the caucus instructed me to do the other week."
Cantor said, "Chuck Schumer did us a favor. He exposed their tactic. He's telling his members to deem any spending cut as unreasonable. I don't see how we can do anything if they're not set serious."
So, whether the government shuts down or not isn't really at the top of anyone's list, because neither party really cares what happens in that regard, their own income's protected regardless. And seeking some kind of compromise or sensible solution can't work for them because they crave confrontation at any cost to the public and nation.
Their only problem is, the voting public's changing due to immensely increasing flows of information that indicate that all of these incumbents aren't worthy of re-election and fairly soon, all of them will be thrown out.
That's it for today folks.
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