Friday, March 25, 2011

BloggeRhythms 3/26/2011

I don't often agree with the president, but I'm not all that upset about his deciding to bomb Libya without going the Congressional buy-in and/or U.N. route. And part of the reason I feel that way is due to reading Tony Blair's biography in which he mentions all kinds of decisions leaders have to make while bogged down by procedural hurdles and protocols.

Interestingly and understandably, Blair himself became more comfortable in decision making with the experience of time in office, and one of the greatest helps was his exposure to George W. Bush. It was Bush who told him that half the public or more hated him anyway, for good reason or not, and they weren't going to change toward him no matter what he did. That being the case, Bush focused on doing what he thought was right at the time regarding decisions, because that's what his job called for. And Bush got to more or less the same ideological place as President Harry Truman, who said that those who can't stand the heat should stay out of the kitchen.

And, as I've mentioned in these writings, Blair's book is full of down to earth examples and stories about what national leadership is all about and the fact that there are no ways to learn what to expect before being elected. Because it isn't until you're in the position that you really find out the magnitude of what you're responsible for.

Yet, having said that, and realizing there are all kinds of situations only a national leader can manage, since Blair's ideology was basically socialistic many of the things he felt he needed to manage, I think are actually none of his business.

In my opinion, governments are responsible for keeping folks safe and insuring national survival because that's what military's and policing are for. But, beyond that its citizens who make the whole thing work and most importantly, pay all the bills too. And since that's the case, all the political types, though they might write interesting bio's, ought to just stay out of everyone's way and shut up.

That's it for today folks.


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