Sunday, March 27, 2011

BloggeRhythms 3/27/2011

As I wrote yesterday, due to dire circumstance the president is actually acting presidential for once. To my knowledge, it's the very first time. Up to now it's been continual droning meaningless pap focused on appeasing those who voted him in with no regard for what was good for the country.

But, these Libyan decisions seem to be more like steps taken because circumstances indicate they're right, and as president he hasn't got time to make sure he's assuaged all those he has to, especially the self annointed all-powerful press.

Then to top it all off for the moment, Syria may be coming apart at the seams which might provide the chance to step up and bomb them senseless too. And,who knows, maybe the whole Middle-East will implode.

So, with a little luck and some determination, perhaps when the smoke settles the U.S. might regain some control over enemies who'd like nothing better than to obliterate us. And if that means the president has to take some heat from some brain-dead leftists who know nothing about how the world really works, so-be-it. Because all that really matters is the U.S. and our allies stay safe.

That's it for today folks,


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