Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BloggeRhythms 3/15/2011

Charles Schumer, the rarely heard from senator from New York, actually spoke up yesterday. Three of the key issues he addressed were, Republican objections to increases in spending limits, the Indiana removal of collective bargaining for municipal employees and the attempts to overturn Obamacare.

In a nutshell his comments centered around why Republicans in particular, and members of the Tea Party, were being so obstructionist on the three preceding issues because he believes their opposition is making it difficult for government to function. He also seemed to fear a government shutdown.

Now, it's highly likely that even Schumer, who's never even going to be allowed to park cars at a Mensa meeting, understands the pro's and con's of these issues. And he's simply pushing the programmed buttons of his party, because that's what party hacks do. Nonetheless, he's still a politician and as solid as his Senatorial seat is, he needs to be voted in again.

So, why would he take the chance of painting himself in a corner again when all the indicators say his party's in trouble re-electionwise because of their policies and beliefs? I guess he just needs to reconfirm for everyone that he's truly not very bright.

That's it for today folks.


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