Friday, March 3, 2017


While writing these daily entry's is a significant task in itself, the preparation is where most time is spent. In that effort, numerous hours are taken to visit websites of all types, news from the MSM is also digested and countless items are read and reviewed in the process.

The functions of information gathering are mentioned because in doing so, one develops a very strong sense of what is truly going on in the nation and the rest of the word. And at present, the perception one gets is that the level of desperation across the Democrat party is such that they’ve got absolutely nothing left having any value to anyone, anywhere whatsoever. 
In fact, the only subject they can dredge up at present is whether or not newly appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. without telling Congress at his confirmation hearing. However, by pursing the issue what’s being uncovered is that many others in government not only did the very same thing, some are the very same people raising questions now.   

According to this morning, seven Democrat senators met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in a single sit-down in 2013, among other discussions – and he reportedly was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said yesterday, “We meet with ambassadors all the time.” 

The central issue now is not so much that Sessions met with the ambassador, but his claim during his confirmation hearing he had no “communications” with Russian officials during his time as a Trump campaign surrogate. “In a press conference, though, Sessions rejected claims he misled Congress and suggested he was answering in the context of campaign-related discussions, which he maintains he never had.”  

At present, the most forceful statement came from Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who tweeted that she had “been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years. No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever. Ambassadors call members of Foreign Rel Com.” 

But as has happened with most Democrat claims of late, her statement was quickly proven untrue whereas: “A pair of tweets first unearthed by National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke showed McCaskill twice wrote messages about meetings with Kislyak, in 2013 and 2015.

“Off to meeting w/Russian Ambassador. Upset about the arbitrary/cruel decision to end all U.S. adoptions, even those in process,” McCaskill tweeted on Jan. 30, 2013. 

On Aug. 6, 2015, McCaskill wrote: “Today calls with British, Russian, and German ambassadors re: Iran deal. #doingmyhomework.” 

Trying to squirm out of the falsity, McCaskill “later blamed Twitter's character limit for the seeming disparity in her claims, suggesting the limit prevented her from being more specific in Thursday's tweet. She told The Weekly Standard there was “no contradiction,” and clarified she never had a “one-on-one meeting” with the ambassador.” 

“ still labeled McCaskill’s claim as “false.” 

“Other Democratic senators in that meeting were: Sens. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, Robert Casey of Pennsylvania and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.” 

Additional details have now surfaced suggesting that the Democrats will come up empty once more on this one because: “The Daily Caller reported that Kislyak is listed as visiting the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016. They likely were a mix of personal meetings and group visits. Roughly half of the visits involved broader receptions with other visitors.” 

While the most logical assumption is that, other than making as much noise as possible over a miniscule happening regarding AG Session’s nothing untoward will happen to him, two other items provide insight about how desperate Democrats have now become.   

Cody Derespina, writes about Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Missouri representative in Congress since 2005 and previous chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. 

Cleaver told MSNBC that Democrats picked the wrong man in ex-Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear to represent their party whereas “Beshear delivered a widely mocked speech during which he accidentally claimed to be a Republican at one cringe-inducing point.” 

Cleaver went on to say: “I don’t mind saying when we make mistakes. And that was a mistake.” 

When then asked what Democrats were thinking when they selected Beshear, Cleaver's answer was far more penetrating than he likely intended. Because he inadvertently provided a statement that currently applies to his whole party: “The problem is, you’re asking about thinking, and that didn’t happen.” 

Along the same lines of conclusions not completely thought through, the next one comes from Rush who rarely miscues, but today sold he and his party somewhat short. 

Talking about the Sessions issue, Rush said: “That’s the way we always fight this stuff. And what does it ever get us? Zip, zero, nada. You know why? ‘Cause it accepts the premise that Sessions did something wrong and so therefore our defense is define where the Democrats have done it, too. The problem is, hypocrisy never, ever sticks to Democrats. It’s not something they’re ever held accountable to. The media is gonna give ’em a pass on it all the time. “Well, Claire McCaskill is not the story. She’s not the attorney general. Claire McCaskill didn’t work with the Trump campaign screwing Hillary. None of that happened. So she doesn’t matter.” 

“And that’s the way they’re gonna react to any evidence that we provide that shows Democrats have done it, too. Do you know how many Democrats met with Russians during the Iran negotiations? Thirty different Democrat senators met with Russians during Obama’s and John Kerry’s negotiations for a nuclear deal with the Iranians. Is that proper or improper? “What are the Democrats doing talking to the Russians about a nuclear deal with Iran?” we’re out there saying.” 

Rush concluded by stating: “It’s not gonna give Jeff Sessions a pass. I mean, it’s fun to point it out, and it’s great to have it on the record, but in terms of a strategy to push this back, it isn’t gonna work. It never has, and it never will.” 

And that’s where Rush fell short. Because although he was correct regarding Democrat reactions and strategical tactics, he may not have yet adjusted to the fact that Republicans now control the White House, Congress and most state governments. Which means that voters, who are the most important participants in the process, clearly know and desire those they’ve put in office nationwide. And if that isn’t “pushback,” it would be hard to determine what is. 
Then this one came from this morning: 

Dow hits record 21,000! 


 That's it  for today folks.


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