Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Over the past few days, the new POTUS’s operational methodology has often been discussed and illustrated here. One of the recurring themes involved, is his technique of diverting the MSM’s attention to subjects he knows they’ll immediately react to adversely. Particularly if they believe it will cause him, and his administration significant harm. 

Most recent is Trump's claim that his predecessor wiretapped his New York skyscraper during the election. The assertion fits right in with Leonid Bershidsky’s conclusion @bloomberg.com back on January 17th that: “Trump doesn't need to start wars: He and his team know how emotional many Americans are about him. He can choose what he wants to be hated for -- preferably for something silly and unrelated to his actual priorities at the moment. He used this to his advantage during the campaign: His alleged sexual misconduct took up so much media time and public attention than issues like his business history, his tax returns and his proposals.”

Current results of Trump’s tactics can be seen today in The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday, which shows that: “Despite the feeling of most Americans that the weather has not been worse this year than in recent years, more Americans than ever are hitting the road for a winter escape. 

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 32% of America Adults have taken or plan to take a winter vacation this year. That’s up from 28% in 2015 and the highest in 10 years of surveying.” 

So, here we have evidence that although most citizens don’t seem to acknowledge that recent winters have been far colder, a growing number of them feel the need to escape the lowering temperatures resultant of the polar vortex.   

Next is the revelation that although voters are dubious about the proposed Republican health care plan and its impact on the cost and quality of health care, the new proposal already earns better marks than the law it hopes to replace. 

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 41% of all Likely U.S. Voters believe the cost of health care will go up under the changes proposed in Obamacare. Only 29% think those costs will go down as a result of the new plan, while 19% expect costs to stay about the same. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided.” 

However, in regard to cost, “62% of Likely U.S. Voters” feel it is more important to reduce the cost of care as opposed to only 34% that still place more importance on making sure that everyone has health insurance, which is a new low. 

Further confirming that Republicans are on the right track with their health care goals: “Thirty-six percent (36%) continue to believe, however, that the government should require every American to buy or obtain health insurance. Fifty percent (50%) oppose Obamacare’s health insurance mandate, while 14% are undecided.” 

Overall, while 42% of voters think the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest weekly finding since Trump took office, that “still compares to findings in the mid- to upper 20s for much of 2016.”
Thus, for the most part, while Trump continues employing diversions to keep his adversaries occupied elsewhere, he and his administration are persistently getting things done with considerable voter approval. 

Examples of activities taking place in the background while the MSM is otherwise occupied by trying to create scandals include the administration’s seeking deep cuts to the EPA that would slash its annual budget by 24 percent, from $8.2 billion to $6.1 billion, and reduce its staff by about 20 percent, or 3,000 jobs. 

Then there’s the massive 10% increase in defense spending which according to a report in Foreign Policy, also “will reportedly cut the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development budgets by 37 percent.” 

In regard to the State Department itself, a 50 percent cut, or more is sought in funding for the United Nations. CNN reported that UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley suggested that “the U.S. reconsider its 22 percent contribution to the U.N.’s annual budget.” 

At present, the U.S. spends $10 billion annually on the U.N. About $4 billion of that comes from the State Department, according to the agency's most recent $50 billion budget request. 

In terms of participation, there are now over 190 member nations, yet the U.S. still pays almost a quarter of the organization's overhead. That factor seems to be well known among the populace as reflected in a comment from a reader, tritonboxer, who wrote @thehill.com: “Why should the US care about the concerns of the other 190 nations? The UN is a United States bashing outfit. I wouldn't give them a dime at all!” 

The reader’s comment reflected the views of virtually all others responding on the subject. Another indication of general satisfaction with Trump’s points of major focus to date, as the MSM continues its onslaught against the straw men he uses as bait.  

That’s it for today folks. 


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