Those on the left, and the MSM in particular, are having a field day now that
the health care tax repeal and replace effort by their rivals has failed.
Nonetheless, the new POTUS is taking the loss in stride by treating the
defeat as part of the learning curve, saying he’s gained from the experience.
According to Stephen Collinson, Dana Bash, Phil Mattingly, Deirdre Walsh,
Lauren Fox and MJ Lee, the president said: “This was
an interesting period of time. We all learned a lot. We learned a lot about
loyalty and we learned a lot about the vote getting process. And we learned
about very arcane rules in both the Senate and the House.
"Certainly for me it was a very interesting experience, but for me, it'll be
an experience that leads to an even better health care plan."
Then, at the same time, a different kind of measure of acceptance was found where it was reported that: “A series of controversies and
a stalled legislative agenda might be a drag on President Trump’s approval
ratings, but campaign finance records show Democrats have failed to cash in on
the chaos.
“Despite making a money pitch after every misstatement or errant tweet, the
Democratic National Committee raised $6.4 million last month, compared to $9.5
million pulled in by the Republican National Committee, according to FEC reports
filed Monday.”
Republicans attained a record-setting $20 million haul in January, doubling
“the total raised by their Democratic counterpart in the first two months of
“To date, the RNC has outpaced the Democrats with nearly $30 million in total
receipts, compared with nearly $11.5 million for the DNC.” At the same time:
“Republican campaign committees have raised nearly $60 million, as opposed to
the $36.6 million in receipts brought in by the Democrats,” also according to
the FEC.
“The lackluster showing by the DNC is made worse by the fact the party has
$10.2 million in cash-on-hand, compared with $39.2 million in GOP coffers –
despite the DNC spending $4 million more this year.
“In addition, the DNC is carrying $2.8 million in debt, while the RNC has
All of which serves to validate that mainstream voters across Middle-America
seem far less concerned with the pace of day-to-day legislative change than they
are with insuring that Republicans attain and remain in office everywhere
As a practical matter, it’s also not surprising that Democrats are having
trouble raising money when their leadership sounds like has-been’s and
also-ran’s while whining like the sorest kinds of losers.
A case in point illustrates that while it’s really not material that nominee
Gorsuch got no Democrat votes because that was expected to begin with, of all
the things that Schumer could have said about the nominee, his statement sounded
both vapid and lackluster.
Among five senators declaring their opposition Thursday, even before the
Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination had ended, Schumer told
Politico he would lead a filibuster against Gorsuch.
While the filibuster may or may not happen, Schumer’s commentary was so out
of sync with the particular Supreme Court candidate he sounded like Gorsuch’s
testimony came from someone else.
Schumer criticized Gorsuch as a judge who “almost instinctively favors the
powerful over the weak, and that there’s been an almost seismic shift in the
caucus [against] Gorsuch,” while “He did not win anybody over with his
.And then, Schumer said Gorsuch “would not serve as a check on Trump or be a
mainstream justice,” which is precisely what Supreme Court justices (and all
others) are supposed to do. Their commitment is to the original understanding of
the constitution and the rule of law, without any kind of favoritism,
predilection or other outside interests whatsoever.
Which means that Schumer doesn’t really want a true “justice” of any sort on
any court. What he’s really seeking is a controllable political hack in a robe.
Up next is a short entry from Jordan Fabian that simply
relates about a White House visit by FBI Director Comey yesterday.
All that’s known is: “The White House said Comey visited to attend a “routine
interagency meeting,” but did not say with whom he met.
“No meeting with Comey was listed on the president's public schedule. Comey
was spotted leaving the White House less than an hour later after television
cameras showed him entering the West Wing.”
While the article itself offers no real news value, reader’s responses
indicate significant interest in the subject. 2,094 “shared” the article while
another 1448 posted comments, one of which follows below:
BecauseReasons commented:
“Conspiracies begin!
“From the Right: He's there to brief Trump on Obama's upcoming
From the Left: He's there to warn Trump on Trump's upcoming
From Russia: He's delivering Trump our check.
From Poland: Who is
From Mexico: How did he get over the wall?
From the Secret Service:
How did he get over the wall?
From Wolf Blitzer (CNN): BREAKING NEWS! This
just in! My coffee is cold!
From Fox News: CNN lied about cold coffee. It was
hot. Also in a Happy Holiday mug!
From MSNBC's Maddow: after 15 minutes of
set up.... it was TEA!”
And in closing, after the heath care tax defeat Hillary Clinton tweeted:
“Today was a victory for all Americans.”
Which goes to reaffirm that she still understands little to nothing about
what Middle-America really thinks. Because it’s certainly quite well-known that those
whose health-care provision, and access to it, have diminished while costs have
risen in multiples believe they are Americans too.
That’s it for today folks.
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