As a result, an area of great concern is sustaining commentary on the new POTUS, because one has to wonder how long he can keep up the pace at which he’s been rebuilding the nation for the past six weeks. Yet, with each new day it seems he’s not only making real news again, all of it’s moving in a very positive direction.
Today, in a guest post, Joe Hoft reports that on Trump's inauguration day US debt stood at $19,947 billion. One month later, on March 8th, the number’s dropped to $19,879 billion a cut of $68 billion (0.3%) since he took office.
By comparison, under Obama, the “US Debt increased by more than $320 billion after his inauguration through March 8th 2009. Obama increased the US Debt by 3.1% during this time period and signed the trillion dollar ‘Stimulus’ bill which is widely considered a colossal failure and waste of US tax dollars as well. The failed ‘Stimulus’ did not kick in till later in Obama’s first year leading to Obama’s first year deficit of $1.4 trillion. Overall Obama doubled the US Debt during his Presidency and set records for highest deficits and the largest debt increase by any President ever.”
Reader, Doc Farmer, commented: “This is unheard of. When, in the last fifty years, has the debt gone DOWN?!?
“Talk about winning!!!”
At the same time, the Washington Free Beacon’s Ali Meyer reports via that: “The number of Americans either working or looking for work in the past month hit a record high of 160,056,000, the first time this number surpassed the 160,000,000 mark, according to numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.”
340,000 more Americans joined the labor force in February, while 176,000 left. At the same time, the number not participating in the labor force declined from 94,366,000 in January to 94,190,000 in February.
“The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of the population that has a job or actively looked for one in the past month, increased from 62.9 percent in January to 63.0 percent in February.
“In addition to more individuals joining the labor force this month, the number of unemployed individuals declined by 107,000 Americans, leading to a decline in the unemployment rate.”
While the results indicating a strong economic boost continue to surface, woes for the issueless leftists mount to the extent that even their most prevalent claims are proving to be without merit.
According to Lee Stranahan back on March 6th: “Government transparency activist group Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Department of the Treasury (DOT) seeking records related to the investigation of retired United States Army Lieutenant General Michel Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.”
In this case, after Democrats relentlessly attempted to find the new POTUS guilty of collaboration with the Russians regarding the presidential election, it’s they who are most likely the one’s involved. “Breitbart News spoke exclusively to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, who said, “We’ve been looking into this story for months now and the only crimes connected to this Russian scandal we’ve been able to find so far are the illegal leaks of information and the violations of privacy by the Obama gang.”
“In a prepared statement, Tom Fitton commented:
President Trump is on to something. The Obama-connected wiretapping and illegal leaks of classified material concerning President Trump and General Flynn are a scandal. Judicial Watch aims to get to the truth about these crimes and we hope the Trump administration stands with us in the fight for transparency.”Rush put the issue into a time-frame perspective by recalling the history of the issue, saying: “So Trump’s doing a press conference or he’s doing a rally somewhere — I think it was a presser of some kind — and as an aside, as an afterthought, Trump said something along the lines of, “Hey, if the Russians are listening, maybe you can find ’em. Maybe you can find Hillary’s emails, and if you do, turn ’em over to the DNC” or whatever. He was cracking a joke. It was hilarious. He was being typically Donald Trump. He’d been on the public stage for over a year.
“If you cared to get to know Donald Trump, if you wanted to study Donald Trump to know his speaking patterns, his sense of humor, he was out there five-10 times a day for an entire year and a half. Yet they still… They thought, the left — the media, everybody thought — that Trump was actually sending a message to the Russians to start trying to find the Hillary’s emails, instead of cracking a joke. The point that Trump was making is, “Come on. Somebody’s gotta know where these things are. You don’t want to find ’em. You want these 30,000 emails kept hidden.”
“So he cracked a joke, maybe the Russians could find the emails, because the Democrats were blaming the Russians for everything. That joke is probably 75% of the fuel that has fueled (since that joke was made) this entire meme that Trump and the Russians worked together to hack the election. This is the most unreal, the most surreal, impossible thing. I mean, to show you how twisted and out of balance everything is in terms of news and media and politics, the idea that the election was tampered with by the Russians and that that’s why Hillary lost…”
And there the depth of the Democrat quandary can be seen. Because their problems stem in great part from their lack of any kind of positive agenda of their own. Leaving them nothing to offer except continual objection to any all efforts from their rivals.
However, while that kind of negativism may have worked at times in the past, they now face an individual who has not only figured out how to please his constituents by delivering what they desire, he’s doing it with rapid fire.
Which means that the left has a very big challenge ahead, whereas it’s extremely hard to draw customers away from providers who fulfill their needs as promised and also make sure to do so cost-effectively. It’s also particularly difficult for competitors, such as those on the left, to win when they have nothing whatsoever on their own shelves to offer.
That’s it for today folks.
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