Sunday, May 1, 2016


Two major items today clearly illustrate how the “real world" continues to disprove the liberal mantra which consistently disseminates irrationality and patent falsehoods. 

An article via Drudge, begins: “Berkshire Hathaway shareholders have overwhelmingly rejected a resolution calling for the company to write a report about the risks climate change creates for its insurance companies.”

Activists proposing the motion tried to urge CEO Warren Buffett to take a public stance in favor of measures to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. But, once again, while saying he agrees that dealing with climate change is important for society, he doesn't think it creates serious risks for Berkshire's insurance businesses.

As a practical matter: “Buffett says the fact that Berkshire generally writes insurance policies for one-year periods allows it to regularly re-evaluate risks, such as climate change.” 

What’s interesting about Buffet’s comment on the climate subject is that, although he served as finance advisor to California Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger during his 2003 election campaign, he also endorsed and made campaign contributions to Obama's presidential campaigns. And then back on December 16, 2015, he endorsed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for president. 

Thus, one would think that considering the business he’s in and his present close ties to Democrat leadership, if he thought there was any real danger he’d be far more supportive of global-warming activists. However, he certainly isn’t, which speaks volumes by itself. 

And then, Jonathan Vanian, writes today that: “Target is testing robots that track inventory on its store shelves including shampoo and laundry detergent. 

“The retail giant is conducting a one-week trial at one of its department stores in downtown San Francisco, according to a source familiar with the matter and confirmed by three store clerks. 

“Simbe Robotics, a Silicon Valley startup, built the robot called Tally that it says can roll autonomously around the store while scanning products to determine if they have been misplaced, mispriced, or are low in stock.” 

This is a follow-up to Fortune’s Phil Wahba reporting back in September that: “Target partnered with the startup accelerator, Techstars, to help fund and mentor companies focusing on retail technology near Target’s Minneapolis headquarters. Additionally, Target executives said the retail giant was said it was looking to develop a “concept store” that could incorporate robotics and other technologies, although details were limited. 

Target joins “a growing list of retail companies testing robots in an effort to improve store operations and even customer service. Orchard Supply Hardware, a subsidiary of Lowe’s, has been using a customer assistant robot in a San Jose store from the company Fellow Robots that has a touchscreen that store customers can use to see what items are in stock. The robot can also take the customer to the spot where the item they want is located.” 

In this case, while unrealistic raises to the minimum wage are no doubt accelerating the replacement of people with robotics wherever possible, there must be some kind of karma involved. Because California’s governor, Jerry Brown, is one of the most out of touch politicians in the nation. And while he clamors continuous anti-business rhetoric, engineers in his very own state are simultaneously developing the technology that will replace millions of voters in his constituency.   

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

Yesterday, Matthew Boyle and Andy Badolato reported, that data shows, Bill’s wife “has seen a decline of 273,321 votes from 2008 to 2016 among states that have already voted this cycle.” Seemingly indicating that her popularity's wavering significantly. 

And then, today, Olaf Ekberg, begins his article by suggesting: “Maybe they don’t want Bill.” 

That's because: “Prior to an Indiana campaign appearance by Bill Clinton, some singers warming up the crowd tried to lead a “We want Bill” chant. 

“They struggled to get any sort of reaction from the audience. 

“We want Bill,” the duo repeated over and over, with little response from the audience. 

While attendees “could be seen looking down, looking at their phones and chatting with their neighbors, the band played the refrain numerous times with seemingly no reaction.” 

Mr. Ekberg adds that: “It’s not the first time the campaign’s struggled with a lack of enthusiasm. 

“Video from a holding area for Hillary Clinton rally attendees in Orlando, Florida last month showed a long line of people completely disinterested in joining in chants for the candidate.” 

So, perhaps the FBI and Justice Department won’t have to worry about shutting the Clinton’s down for their misdeeds and abuses of power. Because if the popularity decline continues, voters will do that for them.  

Bringing up the continuing question once more: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?    

That’s it for today folks.  


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