Monday, May 30, 2016


In another indication of where Trump is having significant impact, Thomas Kaplan, headed his column yesterday: “Donald Trump and Bikers Share Affection at Rolling Thunder Rally” 

Mr. Trump addressed a gathering at the 29th annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle run, a vast Memorial Day event dedicated to accounting for military members taken as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action. 

Facing a crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Trump admiringly said, “Look at all these bikers. Do we love the bikers? Yes. We love the bikers.” 

What came through quite strongly was the perception held by attendees. Tom Christian, 43, a heating and air-conditioning contractor from Tennessee, said: “He speaks what’s on his mind and means what he says. And that’s what a biker does. That’s the way we are: We say what we think. If you like it, you like it. If you don’t, go the other way.” 

Yet, more importantly in it’s own way, was the disdain shown for the other side. Richard McFadden, 58, computer support technician and annual Rolling Thunder attendee from North Carolina, said Mrs. Clinton would not have been welcome.” He added: “Just like asking Jane Fonda to show up, it’d be a very, very bad thing,” while wearing a button that read, “Hillary for Prison 2016.”

“Mr. Trump’s supporters include a group called “Bikers for Trump,” which has more than 46,000 “likes” on Facebook.” 

In seeing large numbers of bikers at his campaign events, Trump asked: “What are they all doing here?” One of his people responded: “They’re here to protect you, Mr. Trump. It’s an amazing thing. And I want to tell you, some of these people are tough.” 

Trump said when he shakes their hands, “there is love, and it’s an incredible feeling, and that’s why I wanted to be with you today.” Pledging to rebuild the military, he said George S. Patton and other deceased generals were “spinning in their graves.” 

“He lamented that veterans “have been treated so badly in this country” and asserted that in many cases, immigrants in the country illegally were taken better care of. He said that on Tuesday he will detail the money he had raised for veterans’ groups.” 

Obviously, the reception received from a group that certainly reflects mainstream American thought indicates unabashed support for Trump. At the same time, however, the article’s source, The New York Times, adds to the suspicion here that the ordinarily unbridled liberal outlet may well be preparing to turn on Bill’s Clinton’s wife. Because, before the email scandal reached its present state of suspicion about her, the Times likely would have written off the Rolling Thunder as a huge gang of worthless, motorcycle-riding thugs.     

Next, Rick Barrett of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel via Drudge provides another subtle indicator of how the tides in voter’s minds are moving away from unbridled liberalism.

Mr. Barrett writes about Eder Flag Manufacturing Co. in Oak Creek, Wisconsin that says it’s having a banner year. “Sales are up 15% from a year ago, partly from 2016 being a national election year and political events needing flags.”

Jodi Goglio, chief operating officer at Eder, which has been making flags since 1887, said: “Most importantly, we feel there’s a rise in patriotism.”

Another imperceptible indication that voter’s seem to be quite fed up with the ramifications of wide open borders.

And then, a Facebook friend sent this one.

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Linda Stasi, yesterday presented her summation that as a result of the cumulative negatives surrounding Bill’s wife, it’s time that she end her presidential campaign.      

Under the heading: “After latest email revelations and endless dishonesty, time for Hillary Clinton to head for the hills,” Ms Stasi writes: “If the Democrats want to save themselves the indignity of a total slaughter, Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race. After last week, a Hillary-led ticket has as much chance of winning the White House as Trump has of losing the white vote. Sanders can beat Trump. And Hillary can’t — not anymore.”

While many in the media are now arriving at the same conclusion, Ms Stasi has drafted a summary that neatly presents the case in simple English. 

“Too many scandals, too many years of Clinton fatigue, and now, after the latest email revelations, just too many lies chasing her like Van Helsing on Dracula. 

“The Clintons know how to lie their way out: He’s sick, she’s sick, the dog ate her email server, their immediate presence is needed on Wall Street, one of his old girlfriends fell off her walker, whatever. 

“Hillary’s latest disastrous email dishonesty would not be such a big deal but Americans are exhausted by decades of dishonesty. Yes, other secretaries of state have used private email addresses — they just didn’t have private email servers on their property. Huge difference.

“Clinton’s server issues aside, the Justice Department’s investigation of their pal Va. Gov. Terry McAuliffe, former head of the Democratic National Committee, is lurking like the Zika virus, threatening to bring the Clinton Foundation’s hazy doings out into the ugly bright light of day.

“McAuliffe is being investigated for his ties to Chinese businessman Wang Wenliang, whom he invited to the Clintons’ house for a fund-raiser in 2013. Shortly thereafter Wang’s company pledged a whopping $2 million to the Clinton Foundation. 

“Last year, The International Business Times reported that, as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton cleared arms deals with 20 foreign countries (worth $165 billion) who also donated millions to the Clinton Foundation. 

“But hey, what’s a couple of bucks, bullets and brokered deals between friends and Emirates? 

“Everything is edgy but nothing is illegal, but it’s clouding her path, which was supposed to be clear sailing to the convention. Now Clinton’s wheels, deals and lies make the shady art of Trump’s deals look like no big deal, even though his rallies look like riots.” 

Thus, while Trump may yet face questions he can’t answer about his own historical performance, that still remains to be seen. 

However in Bill’s wife case, disqualifying evidence is presently crystal clear. Meaning it’s already well known that she’s undeserving of the office of POTUS. Which certainly brings the ongoing question into play again today: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?   

That’s it for today folks.     

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