Thursday, May 5, 2016


With countless numbers like myself, the time for waiting for someone to overtake Trump is suddenly over. Therefore, instead of moaning, groaning, and whining about being stuck with him, now’s the time to focus on what can be done to win in November. Because to cede another four years to those on the left is suicidally moronic. 

In that regard, there’s a vice presidential pick out there that would be absolutely perfect by every measure one could possibly imagine, and her name is Condoleeza Rice. Experienced, brilliant, successful, former National Security Advisor then Secretary of State under “W,” she moved on to Stanford University as a political science professor. Today she’s a faculty member of the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a director of its Global Center for Business and the Economy and the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution.

Born in Birmingham, Alabama, the only child of Angelena (née Ray) Rice, a high school science, music, and oratory teacher, and John Wesley Rice, Jr., a high school guidance counselor and Presbyterian minister she has roots in the American South going back to the pre-Civil War era, and some of her ancestors worked as sharecroppers for a time after emancipation.

According to Wikipedia: “Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots that she is of 51% African, 40% European, and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent, while her DNA is traced back to the Tikar people of Cameroon. And therefore, for what Trump and the Republican party need right now, she’s absolutely, unequivocally perfect by any measure, up to and including being a woman with a self-made career more prestigious than Bill Clinton’s wife’s. 

As far as the present status of the presidential race itself is concerned, Rush offered some thoughts yesterday, saying on his show: “Let me give you one little thing: My instinctive feeling right now is that Trump is gonna win, beat Hillary badly, that it could be landslide proportions.”

To make his case, he dissected the Democrat primary results to date which he claims the mainstream media won’t do because they’re all essentially in the Clinton camp. 

Rush said: “The AP won't do it.  The only reason Hillary Clinton's gonna win is because the Democrats have rigged that system for her according to their rules, where she's gonna get all the delegates or however many she needs to win this no matter what the election returns in every Democrat primary are.  Now, the Democrats are making the same mistake here that some may have made in the Cruz campaign.

“They think that Hillary can go ahead and lose these states, lose every state. She's losing more than she wins.  If you follow the news, it's clear Bernie Sanders is winning (it seems like) every primary the past month.  And accompanying every Bernie Sanders victory story is the fact that he won nothing, that Hillary gets the delegates.” 

And then Rush analyzes the arithmetic underlying his belief that primary results to date have been misrepresented by a biased major media, as follows: “So there's just as many -- or proportionally just as many -- agitated Democrats.  You add up people supporting Bernie Sanders to people supporting Donald Trump, and the people that supported Ted Cruz. 

“You add up those voters -- and if they all vote, too, Hillary Clinton doesn't have a prayer.  I don't care about the Electoral College. I don't care about anything else. Just like in terms of the people that are fed up with Washington and the establishment, as we sit here today, she is the lone candidate representing what obviously so many Americans, Republicans and Democrats for their own reasons right now happen to despise.  She's losing the vote in every state, and yet the Democrats expect her to triumph.  Where is her momentum?” 

And then, Rush hammers home his present conclusion this way: “How in the world does Hillary go from losing after losing after losing to becoming a triumphant victor at the Democrat convention when she didn't win diddly-squat except super-delegates in the Democrat Party?  And I guarantee you, the AP and the media and the Democrat Party, they're not factoring all of this in because they're sitting there saying, "We're the Democrats! We're invincible. We own the media. We don't lose."  They don't have... They haven't figured out yet that the media wants Donald Trump to be elected president.  

“They haven't figured out the media wants Trump in the White House because it's gonna be the most fun four years they've ever had.  It'll be fun. They'll try to take Trump out. They'll be able to party with Trump! They'll go to the White House. They'll be able to do everything they do as media; they'll be able to [keep] trying to destroy him. He'll expect it. He'll toy with 'em. They'll get to cover him, go wherever he goes. It's gonna be unexpected, unpredictable, ratings boosts and all kinds of stuff. Make no mistake: In the Drive-Bys, this is universal.  There's nothing exciting about Hillary Clinton.” 

And you know what? Rush could be absolutely right about all of it.  

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

While Rush may be correct in his assumptions about Trump winning the presidency, and why, Bill Clinton’s wife may not even be Trump’s rival by the time November rolls around. And that’s because the FBI may remove her from the race before then.  

Catherine Herridge and Pamela K. Browne, report today that: “The infamous Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer,” speaking exclusively with Fox News, claimed he easily – and repeatedly – breached former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal email server in early 2013.    

"For me, it was easy ... easy for me, for everybody," Marcel Lehel Lazar, who goes by the moniker "Guccifer," told Fox News from a Virginia jail where he is being held. 

“Guccifer’s potential role in the Clinton email investigation was first reported by Fox News last month. The hacker subsequently claimed he was able to access the server – and provided extensive details about how he did it and what he found – over the course of a half-hour jailhouse interview and a series of recorded phone calls with Fox News.” 

If true, Lazar’s revelations could be devastating to Bill’s wife’s claims of having done nothing wrong particularly because: “Former State Department IT staffer Bryan Pagliano, who installed and maintained the server, has been granted immunity by the Department of Justice and is cooperating with the FBI in its ongoing criminal investigation into Clinton’s use of the private server. An intelligence source told Fox News last month that Lazar also could help the FBI make the case that Clinton’s email server may have been compromised by a third party.” 

Asked what he would say to those skeptical of his claims, Lazar cited “the evidence you can find in the Guccifer archives as far as I can remember."  

“Writing under his alias Guccifer, Lazar released to media outlets in March 2013 multiple exchanges between [Sidney] Blumenthal and Clinton. They were first reported by the Smoking Gun.  

“It was through the Blumenthal compromise that the accounts were first publicly revealed.” 

So, today seems to portend some very dark days ahead for Bill Clinton’s wife. Because, if Sanders has his way, the Democrat party will have to deal with his contention that while he’s won significant numbers of primary’s, super-delegates have been misapportioned, another thorn for her to deal with. 

And then, Trump who has no caring whatsoever for political-correctness will surely rake Bills wife’s email abuses, and every other skeleton in her closet, over and over again on a daily basis. Bouncing her off the walls of every voting district on the continent and everywhere else. 

All of which leads to the continuing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?    

That’s it for today folks.    


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