Sunday, May 8, 2016


Yesterday‘s entry began with an item regarding John Podhoretz’s  article, “White House admits it played us for fools to sell Iran deal,”

In the piece, Mr. Podhoretz called the “selling of a misleading narrative about the nuclear deal with Iran the administration’s greatest triumph.” His contention is that: “The mastermind of the Obama machine is Ben Rhodes, a New Yorker who joined the Obama campaign as a speechwriter in 2007 and has risen to become the most influential foreign-policy hand in the White House.” 

Farther along, Mr. Podhoretz makes reference to Rhodes believing his intellectual superiority, along with that of the POTUS, is such that they can quite easily influence today’s predominately inept media representatives to report news items in whatever way they wish. Which is why the Iran nuclear deal was easily distorted from the truth when reported to the public by well-controlled flaks.

However, as often happens today with information available from many alternative sources, it seems that Rhodes and his boss may want to reconsider the credit they’re trying to capture for themselves alone. Because the “real world” once again isn’t working the way they’re trying to pretend it is.

According to Nicole Gaouette “Prince Turki al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief, and retired Israeli Army Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror, a former adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke in Washington Thursday night at a discussion arranged by The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. 

“Their joint appearance doesn't mean the two countries will be normalizing relations anytime soon, Turki warned, but Both men made it clear that their countries will take steps if they see any erosion of the Iran deal they so forcefully opposed.” 

While both counties most obvious bond a strong security relationship with, and dependence on, the United States, both have had “rocky patches with the Obama administration over the past few years.” 

“Both opposed the deal on Iran's nuclear program, while Saudi officials spoke about their anger that President Barack Obama didn't follow through on a commitment to punish Syria if it crossed the "red line" of chemical weapons use.” 

“Turki said the "strategic relationship with the U.S. will remain, from the Saudi point of view," but suggested it needed rethinking. He also added, “all options" would be on the table if Iran moves toward a bomb, "including the acquisitions of nuclear weapons, to face whatever eventuality might come from Iran." 

Amidror said he expected that Iran will move to build a bomb "toward the end of the agreement," which limits research, development and enrichment over 10 to 15 years, if it doesn't violate it first. In principle, the Iranians can go nuclear and from the Israeli point of view, this is a threat to existence. We will not let this happen." 

Whereas: “Both men made it clear that their countries will take steps if they see any erosion of the Iran deal they so forcefully opposed,” it would be quite logical to assume that preparations are being made at present to be ready for any event. Up to and including some sort of nuclear retaliation of their own, by Israel and the Saudi’s.  

In any case though, what the situation clearly illustrates is that when unskilled amateurs are unduly impressed with themselves with no confirmed experience whatsoever, they’re the easiest people on Earth to dupe. As now proven regarding the “speechwriter” who suddenly became a foreign policy expert that’s been taken in by his own arrogance compounded by flat-out ignorance of the situation.

On another issue, Daniel Strauss titled his article, this morning: “Sanders poised for May win streak”
According to Mr. Strauss: “Bernie Sanders is reluctant to give up the fight: May is shaping up to be a pretty good month for him. 

“On the heels of his Indiana victory Tuesday, Sanders is well-positioned for wins in the upcoming West Virginia and Oregon primaries. That might explain his it’s-just-a-flesh-wound approach to the nearly insurmountable delegate math confronting him, and his dogged insistence that he’s taking his long-shot presidential campaign all the way to the July Democratic convention. 

“We're going to stay in until the last vote is counted, and that will be in the [June 14] primary in Washington, D.C.," Sanders said in an interview Wednesday with NPR's Steve Inskeep.” 

The key point here is, now a valid comparison exists that puts a whole new spin on Sanders’ chances. Because, only a few weeks ago, while Trump had leads in most polls, many in the Republican establishment gave him no credibility at all, expecting a contested convention leading to someone else as the presidential candidate. 

In Sander's case, he has won 18 states while only a narrow margin separates him from the leader in national polls. He also contends that he’s the strongest Democratic candidate against Trump, “and holds out hope that more super delegates in the states where he won will ultimately line up in his camp.” 

Therefore, while many believe the Democrat race to be over, both Sander’s and certainly Trump, prove definitively that what Yogi Berra said way back in July of 1973 is certainly still true today: “It ain't over till it's over."  

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

Aaron Klein, is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He’s also a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” 

Yesterday, Mr. Klein wrote: ‘Donald Trump was echoing the words of Bill Clinton’s sexual assault accusers when he slammed Hillary Clinton on Friday as an “unbelievably nasty, mean enabler” who “destroyed” the lives of her husband’s mistresses and alleged victims.” 

In that regard Mr. Klein certainly knows what he’s writing about, whereas he’s held numerous recent interviews with “Clinton mistress Gennifer Flowers; rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick; and sex assault accusers Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones.” 

According to Mr. Klein: “During a campaign stop Friday in Eugene, Oregon, Trump stated of Hillary: “She’s been the total enabler. She would go after these women and destroy their lives. She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful.” 

To support his point, Mr.Klein offers the following, regarding the quartet of Bill’s accuser’s:
“Gennifer Flowers says she was Bill Clinton’s consensual mistress for more than 12 years. In her only interview since Clinton announced her candidacy, Flowers in October told me she believes Hillary is “an enabler that has encouraged him (Bill) to go out and do whatever he does with women.”  Clinton admitted in a deposition to one sexual encounter with Flowers.

“In one of her first media appearances in nearly a decade, Juanita Broaddrick last November stated on my weekend talk radio show, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” that she blames Hillary Clinton for covering up her husband’s alleged sexual crimes and indiscretions. 

“I think she has always known everything about him. I think they have this evil compact between the two of them that they each know what the other does and overlook it. And go right on. And cover one for the other,” she said. 

“On May 8, 1991, when Clinton was Governor of Arkansas and Paula Jones was a state employee, she says she was singled out that day by Clinton, and was escorted to the politician’s room in the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas. There the future president allegedly groped and exposed himself to her. She says she rejected his advances and bolted the room. 

“In an interview that aired on my radio show this past January, Jones demanded Hillary Clinton personally apologize for “allowing” her husband to “abuse” and “sexually harass” women. 

“Regarding Hillary’s use of women's issues in the campaign, Jones said that “it’s really, really sad that she is using that to gain popularity or whatever.” 

“I don’t see how women would even be able to trust her if the man who is her husband who has abused and harassed and did other things to women and she knew about it.” 

“Kathleen Willey was a Democratic activist who, along with her husband Ed, founded Virginians for Clinton, which supported Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 White House bid. 

“Willey became a White House volunteer during Clinton’s first term. She says she was facing a tough financial situation, so she personally approached Bill about the possibility of a paid position. Instead of offering to help her, Willey says she became the victim of “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.” 

“Since Hillary’s campaign announcement in April, Willey has spoken out against the Democratic front-runner during numerous exclusive interviews on my radio program. 

“This woman wrote the book on terrorizing women, on terrorism,” Willey exclaimed in one of those interviews. 
Her tactics and the things that she set in motion against all the women like me, the ones you have heard of and the ones you haven’t heard of, and the ones who are so scared that they fled the country, are terrorist tactics like I’ve never seen before.

I went through them. I lived through them. And I know exactly what I am talking about. She is the war on women. I don’t care what anybody says.”
So, what we have here is an interesting possibility. Because, if the FBI is unable to bring about an indictment in the email case against Bill’s wife, and the investigation into the Clinton Foundation misuse of funds falls short, and the Benghazi committee fails to prove it’s point of a Clinton cover-up, perhaps these four lady’s will turn the voting tide by themselves.

And if they are successful in convincing women voters that neither Clinton has any regard for females whatsoever, it not only makes Sander’s decision to stay in the race a good one, it also raises the ongoing question again: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?   

That’s it for today folks.     


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