Thursday, May 26, 2016


Major headline’s today concern the State Department’s own report stating that Bill Clinton’s wife flouted federal records rules and cybersecurity guidelines by her use of personal email while secretary of state, "showing she was in clear violation of the Federal Records Act and endangered national security."

Regarding the subject yesterday on Facebook, Rush opined: “I cling to my theory that Obama does not want to be seen as the person who takes Hillary out, but he is toying with her big time, and this drip, drip, drip on her email scandal is continuing because Obama is permitting it.”

To that, Jay DeGroot added the comment: “I firmly believe that Obama will eventually conclude that Hillary is not the person to carry forth his legacy, and I also believe that is the one and only thing he is concerned with at this point. I can already hear the telephone call to attorney general Loretta Lynch.”

That brought up the thought of how critically important Obama’s legacy is to him and the fact that Bill’s wife can’t possibly carry it on. Because she doesn’t even play golf at all.

Along the same lines, the POTUS’ legacy, today’s weekly job report shows a drop to 268,000, below expectation. However, the formerly used U-6 measure which includes total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, still stands at 9.7%.

Yet, that dismal sign of the nation’s long-lingering economic weakness, apparently won’t negatively affect the POTUS’s future  whatsoever.    

An article by Julie Hirschfeld Davis yesterday via Drudge provides an indication of what that future will look like. The title is: “Obamas’ Next Home: 9 Bedrooms in a Wealthy Washington Neighborhood”

“The house — valued around $6 million, according to several real estate websites, with an estimated monthly rent of $22,000 on Zillow — is owned by Joe Lockhart, a former press secretary and senior adviser to Bill Clinton. Mr. Lockhart was until this year the managing director of a communications and political consulting practice he founded, the Glover Park Group, but has moved to Manhattan to become executive vice president for communications for the National Football League.”

Here’s a link to the article, which includes photo’s of the residence:

And then, on another recurring subject, an article, is headlined: “Trump sends shivers down spines of nations trying to solidify global warming pact” 

According to the text: “It is not hard to see why.”

“The last Republican standing in the U.S. presidential race has described climate change as a hoax perpetrated by China to gain competitive advantage in manufacturing over the US, an eccentric theory even among climate skeptics. 

“More recently, he said he was “not a big fan” of the Paris Agreement, the fruit of two decades of stop-and-go (but mostly stop) wrangling between rich and developing nations. 

“I will be renegotiating those agreements, at a minimum,” Trump told Reuters in an exclusive interview last week, betraying an unfamiliarity with the U.N.’s consensus-based process. 

“And at a maximum I may do something else.” 

Reader, Tim, accurately summed up the situation this way: “The "conspiracy theorist" said 20+ years ago that the plan was a carbon tax to fund a global government. It is now all admitted and anyone going along with this climate scam ought to be admitted themselves.
This election is Nationalism vs Globalism.

If you want to keep America, America.......Trump 2016”

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

If the State Department’s condemnation of Bill’s wife’s email activities aren’t upsetting to her, nor are the pending FBI investigation results on the same subject, an article by Adam Nagourney and Nick Corasaniti regarding the upcoming California primary very well might be.

The authors report: “Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are locked in a tight race in California, the nation’s most populous state and one that until recently seemed strongly in Mrs. Clinton’s corner, a new statewide poll has found. 

"The poll, released Wednesday night by the Public Policy Institute of California, showed Mrs. Clinton leading Mr. Sanders among likely voters, 46 percent to 44 percent — within the margin of error. A survey by the organization in March found Mrs. Clinton with a lead of 48 percent to 41 percent over Mr. Sanders. 

“Even with a loss in the primary, Mrs. Clinton would almost certainly win enough delegates to capture her party’s nomination. That said, a loss to Mr. Sanders in this state — which she won in 2008 and which Bill Clinton won in the 1992 primaries — would provide a sour and deflating end to her primary campaign.” 

However, what exacerbates her problems is that: “It could also encourage Mr. Sanders to stay in the race through the Democratic National Convention in July, at a time when many Democrats would be asking him to step aside and join with Mrs. Clinton in turning the party’s attention to defeating the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump.” 

And even more disturbing for her: “The poll showed that both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders would defeat Mr. Trump in a hypothetical November contest, though Mr. Sanders appears to have the stronger position at the moment. Mrs. Clinton is leading Mr. Trump among likely voters by 49 percent to 39 percent; Mr. Sanders would beat him 53 percent to 36 percent.”

But, when all’s said and done, considering Sanders erasing Bill’s wife’s lead in California, coupled with the new State Department report establishing her guilt, there will now likely be some rethinking among the Democrat superdelegates. Because, after all, these party leaders must justify their votes to their constituents.

And that situation was best summed up by Rob Kall, Host of the Bottom-up Radio Show,, last Friday.

Kall said: “Bernie is going to win the July convention. That’s because polls already are and will even more dramatically show that Hillary will lose to Trump, but not just the White House. She will cost the Democrats a majority in the Senate, the Supreme Court and a stronger position in the House. Over the weeks before the Democratic convention, Hillary will slide to a worse and worse position. Her “win” in Kentucky is emblematic. In 2008 she defeated Obama by over 200,000 votes. She squeaked out a victory by 1800 votes last night. The slide will be in full bloom, like the reek of a cesspool, by convention time. The superdelegates will be faced with a decision— go with Hillary, with many many polls showing a disaster about to unfold, or go with Bernie and win the Senate, take the Supreme court and make major headway in the House.”

Thus, although the reasons may be quite different, and there is certainly no comparison between Sanders and Obama, the situation seems remindful of Yogi Berra’s famous quote: "It's like déjà vu all over again."

Which brings up the ongoing question once more: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?  
That’s it for today folks.     


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