Very little of interest in today’s news at all. Most politically focused
items are guesses, assumptions, theory’s and speculations regarding Tuesday’s
Republican primary in Indiana. The only thing that’s certain, however, is that a
loss by Cruz virtually guarantees a Trump nomination.
Ob another subject, a Facebook friend posted the following photo which
without a word of further commentary needed, brilliantly defines the liberal
mentality perfectly.
And then, for laughs another Facebook friend posted this one:

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Yesterday, an article by Bre Payton, may explain
why the FBI investigation into Bill’s wife’s email abuses is taking so long to
complete. Because the case apparently has tentacles leading into other kinds of
criminality, including suspicion regarding the Clinton Foundation.
According to Ms. Payton, despite Bill’s wife’s claims of innocence during her
tenure as Secretary of State, “a source with knowledge of the matter says the
Clinton's are mixed up in a complicated money trail that says otherwise.”
Monica Crowley of the Washington Times reports: “The Clintons are
allegedly paying “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in legal fees for the family
aide who registered the domain name for the private email server Hillary Clinton
“When registering Hillary Clinton’s email domain (, Jonathan
Cooper, whose legal bills the Clintons are allegedly paying out of their own
pockets, also registered the email domain used by top-level employees of the
Clinton Foundation (”
“Cooper also is a top fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation and a senior
advisor to Teneo — a secretive and controversial company that has enriched
numerous former Clinton aides.
“Many suspect that Teneo may have doubled as part of a larger laundering
scheme to hide the dealings between companies and individuals paying the
Clintons for political access while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary.”
And this is where it all comes together, because “in addition to investigating
whether Hillary violated federal law by using a private email server during her
time at the State Department, the FBI is also probing Hillary Clinton and her
husband on suspicions of public corruption.
“The FBI is reportedly investigating whether the Clintons provided government
access and official favors in exchange for cash contributions to a tax-exempt
organization run by the Clintons.”
So, here we have a situation taking on similar patterns to investigations
like Watergate. In which, when individuals in various unrelated
positions were questioned, they revealed separate pieces similar to a picture
puzzle. And in this case, there are at least two significant ones at present. Bryan
Pagliano, the former State Department computer network technician who’s now
joined by fundraiser Jonathan Cooper.
What's also remindful of Watergate, is Time
magazine's short item: “On November 17, 1973, President Richard Nixon infamously denied any
involvement in the Watergate scandal with his now timeless defense. ‘I am not
a crook.’ Thing is, he was.”
Bringing up the ongoing question again: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry
Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading
That’s it for today folks.
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