Early this morning, a Facebook friend posted a link to an article by George
Will @washingtonpost.com, wherein Mr. Will seems to be ridding himself
of bound-up distaste for Trump. And although he may be absolutely correct in his
analysis, his timing may be a bit premature. Because, while his conclusions are
correct, he’s also giving Trump a blueprint for making needed corrections that
can certainly help his presidential run.
Mr. Will writes: “People here at Sen.Ted Cruz’s (R-Tex.) campaign
headquarters are meticulously preparing to win a contested convention, if there
is one. Because Donald Trump is a low-energy fellow, Cruz will be positioned to
trounce him in Cleveland, where Trump’s slide toward earned oblivion would
accelerate during a second ballot.
“Trump is a world-class complainer (he is never being treated “fairly”) but a
bush-league preparer. A nomination contest poses policy and process tests, and
he is flunking both.”
Then Will gets outright nasty, writing: “Regarding policy, he is flummoxed by
predictable abortion questions because he has been pro-life for only 15 minutes
and because he has lived almost seven decades without giving a scintilla of
thought to any serious policy question. Regarding process, Trump, who recently
took a week-long vacation from campaigning, has surfed a wave of free media to
the mistaken conclusion that winning a nomination involves no more forethought
than he gives to policy. He thinks he can fly in, stroke a crowd’s ideological
erogenous zones, then fly away.”
And finally, Will slams the door with a stinging closer: “He knows nothing
about the art of the political deal.”
As stated at the start today, however, Trump still has seven months to right
his ship by taking heed of Mr. Will’s extremely helpful analysis and then,
applying it. Which means that Mr. Will seems to have given away too much, too soon.
Discussing another presidential candidate, Greg Corombos
@www.wnd.com, provided some insight Tuesday into Sander’s core
beliefs as an indication of where he would seek to lead the nation as
According to Mr. Corombos: “A 1981 New York Times item quotes Democratic
Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as saying he doesn’t “believe in
charities,” an outlook that one expert says is common in socialism and would
destroy civil society.”
Sander’s was invited for the kickoff of the 40th annual Chittenden County
United Way fund-raising drive in Burlington, Vt.. In his remarks, the then mayor
of Burlington, Vermont said: “‘I don’t believe in charities,” bringing a shocked
silence to a packed hotel banquet room. The mayor, who is a socialist, went on
to question the ”fundamental concepts on which charities are based” and
contended that government, rather than charity organizations, should take over
responsibility for social programs.'”
“Fierce disagreement,” was heard from Joe Loconte, who teaches Western
civilization and American foreign policy at The King’s College in New York City
and has also held positions with the Heritage Foundation and the Ethics and
Public Policy Center in Washington. From 2001-2003, he was an informal adviser
to the George W. Bush administration’s Office of Faith-Based and Community
Mr. Loconte told WND and Radio America: “It’s no surprise that Bernie Sanders
then, and I think even now, really has no real respect or regard for civil
society. This is the problem with socialism. It sees such an overwhelming,
intrusive role for the state at all levels, there’s no room left for the
voluntary society.”
“He said the history of America shows civil society as an indispensable part
of what makes America great.”
Coming on the heels of Sander’s contention that government should take over
responsibility for virtually all aspects of citizens lives, up to and including
charitable contributions, yesterday Ali Meyer @freebeacon.com wrote
about what happens when politicians override free-markets, as has been done by
the current administration.
Ms Meyer writes: “Gene Dodaro, the comptroller general for the Government
Accountability Office, testified at the Senate Budget Committee to provide the
results of its audit on the government’s financial books, saying that, “in the
next few years the federal government will owe more than our entire economy
And then: “Another economic projection which assumes that cost controls for
Medicare don’t hold and that healthcare costs continue to increase, shows debt
rising even further.
“These projections go to 200, 300 percent, and even higher of debt held by
the public as a percent of gross domestic product,” said Dodaro. “We’re going to
owe more than our entire economy is producing and by definition this is not
“Additionally, the audit found fault with the number of improper payments
that should not have been made or were the incorrect amount. The audit found
that in fiscal year 2015 there were $136.7 billion improper payments, which was
up by $12 billion from the year prior.”
Thus, this is another opportunity to post again a couple of quotes from
Ronald Reagan.
"Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell
where they already have it."
And, “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's
just that they know so much that isn't so.”
Now, this one from another Facebook friend:

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, this one from
wnd.com this morning.
“Former President Bill Clinton unloaded on the Obama administration and Black
Lives Matter protesters during a campaign event Thursday for his wife in
“Clinton took a veiled jab at Obama’s handling of world affairs, saying,
“Unlike when I was president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world
now. We like to just think about our economic issues, but you have to worry
about a collapse in Europe dragging back the American economy. You have to worry
about the largest number of refugees since World War II. And all this stuff
comes home.”
The article then goes on to note that, as WND also reported recently: “[T]he
Clinton family has been unleashing a barrage of attacks on Obama in recent
weeks. On March 21, Bill Clinton publicly lamented the “awful legacy” of the
past eight years.
“Clinton told listeners at Spokane Falls Community College that if they
believed the U.S. had “finally come to the point where we could put the awful
legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that where
we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, then
you should vote for [Hillary].”
WND then added Chelsea's having taken a cue from her father, by bashing Obama’s record to benefit her mother in March. Chelsea attacked the president’s
key accomplishment – Obamacare, blasting the “crushing costs” of Obama’s
health-care legislation.
While Bill’s comments on Thursday are likely to further antagonize black
voters who are angry at his recent attacks on President Obama’s tenure in the
White House, his March criticism of Obama baffled liberal pundits and their
“Why would such a skilled politician as Clinton so clumsily throw the current
Democratic president under the bus? Is this an indication of a potential split
from Obama from the former secretary of state as well?” Salon asked Tuesday.
“The New York Times noted that Clinton’s earlier remarks were so odd that
even his wife’s rival for the 2016 presidential nomination was using them to
launch political attacks.”
An astute comment from reader SilenceDogood, provided a quite
possible scenario: “OK folks..........one of two things is happening. Either ole
Bill had a stroke and forgot the socialist agenda for a moment, allowing the
truth to actually escape from his lying mouth..............or, they know that
Obama has set her up and will allow her to be indicted before the convention.
Either way, you just have to know that Bill's body must be in major vapors mode
at this time as telling the truth to him is just about as hard as it is for his
lying wife.”
Unneeded personal slurring aside, the reader presents a certainly logical
premise. That the Clinton’s, Bill especially, suspect a presidential setup in
the works. Because someone has to take the fall for Benghazi, the email
abuses, and the ramifications of a failing foreign policy that led to the rise
of ISIS on the POTUS’s watch.
And, most certainly, regardless of which Republican runs in November, the
numerous self-inflicted mistakes by this administration demand a fall guy (or woman).
And who better than one who truly was in the middle of all of it, Bill’s
incompetent wife?
Bringing up the ongoing question once more: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry
Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading
That’s it for today folks.
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