Several times recently, it’s been mentioned here that one of the most
important parts of superior business decision-making is observing the past
performance of entities and their leadership to help determine future behavior
before engaging with them.
And although that’s a quite simple premise, it’s amazing how many otherwise
astute individuals are taken in by sales-pitches. Simply because they were too
lazy or uncaring to do adequate homework. While others proceed regardless, on
the assumption that unproven promises from high-profile presenters don’t need
investigation, research or commensurate accomplishments.
In that regard, reported that on Trump's final
rally before today’s New York primary he made “an unfortunate slip of the
tongue, as the real estate mogul mistakenly mentioned the name of a popular
convenience store chain in place of 9/11."
About to deliver prepared remarks lauding New York values at Buffalo's First
Niagara Center Monday he told the crowd: “It's very close to my heart because I
was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at
the World Trade Center right after it came down, and I saw the greatest people
I've ever seen in action."
Now, coming back to the opening premise today, that behaviors are relatively
consistent in most human beings, one could easily accept Trump’s major gaffe as
a simple slip of the tongue and overlook it. But others, taking a more concerned
approach might feel that inattention to detail, unsureness of important facts
and off-the-cuff inaccurate glibness, may have contributed meaningfully to his
host of business failures and bankruptcy’s. Because, there certainly seems to be
a pattern of negative similarity in the results.
Following the article, a reader posted a comment having nothing to do with
the subject, but is worth reading anyway.
ChucklesM wrote: “Hillary Clinton is the most experienced, most
intelligent, most trustworthy, most beautiful woman in America and will be the
next President of the United States. NOTE: I just wanted to type something I was
100% sure no one ever had, or, ever would.
Coming back to the subject of candidates qualifications for office, very
little attention has been paid here to Sanders because he’s a basic nonentity.
And, except for the occasions where he rankles Bill Clinton’s wife, he’s not
really worth any keystrokes.
However, yesterday he came out strongly against fracking. And from his
remarks it’s obvious he’s done no research on the subject and is either unaware or
purposefully misleading the public about how closely frackers are monitored, regulated
and controlled by regulations. That's why some time was taken to look him
According to Wikipedia, he studied at Brooklyn College for a year in
1959–60, transferring to the University of Chicago, graduating with a
bachelor of arts degree in political science in 1964. “He has described himself
as a mediocre college student because the classroom was 'boring and irrelevant,'
while the community provided his most significant learning.”
He then returned to New York City, initially working in a variety of
jobs, including Head Start teacher, psychiatric aide, and carpenter. In 1968,
he moved to Vermont because he had been "captivated by rural life." There, he
worked as a carpenter, filmmaker, and writer who created and sold
"radical film strips" and other educational materials to schools. He also wrote
several articles for the alternative publication The Vermont Freeman.
His electoral political career began in 1971 as a member of the Liberty Union
Party, which originated in the anti-war movement and the People's Party. 45
years ago and has been in politics ever since.
In 1980 he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont and was reelected three
times. At that time, the city’s population was 37,721.
In 1990 Sanders' House victory was “heralded by The Washington Post
and others as the "First Socialist Elected" to the United States House of
Representatives in decades. He served in the House from 1991 until he became a
senator in 2007.
In 2014 Vermont’s population 626,562.
So, here we have this self-acclaimed “socialist” from a tiny town in a dinky
state who, aside from some carpentering as a youth, has never held a real job in
his life. More fans attend football games across the nation on Saturdays and
Sundays than this twerp ever represented at any level in his elected history.
And here he is politicking about oil development which the nation dearly needs
to help keep a cap on foreign prices and as an added resource here at if home.
And, by the way, if business and industry, which he despises, can’t keep
their operating costs for fuel in line, and people are forced to spend more
of their incomes on gas and oil, where is the money he wants to steal via 90%
in taxes going to come from? In summation, this clown is a moron.
On another topic, Angela Greiling Keane and Anthony
Capaccio, write: “President Barack Obama’s approval of
Pentagon efforts to intensify the U.S. effort in Iraq may matter less for the
small contingent of troops being added than for the decision to allow them
closer to the front lines of the war against Islamic State.
“Obama has agreed to send 217 more U.S. troops, bringing the authorized total
to 4,087, and to let them “embed at the battalion level,” a step closer to the
fighting than previously, Captain Jeff Davis, a Defense Department spokesman,
told reporters at the Pentagon on Monday.
“In addition to advising Iraqi forces, the Americans will provide “force
protection, fire support and aviation support,” Davis said. That includes
U.S.-operated Apache helicopters for the coming battle to retake Mosul, an
Islamic State stronghold, Defense Secretary Ash Carter told troops during a
visit to Baghdad.”
So, little by little, slowly but surely, the Middle-East is being reformatted
militarily in the same way it was when the POTUS took office. Except, so much
has been lost by the pull-out, the magnitude of the cost down the line to get
back where we were will be felt for decades yet to come.
Also on the subject of costs wrought by the administration, Tom
Murphy, AP Business Writer via Drudge reports:
“UnitedHealth, the nation's biggest health insurer, will remain in public
health insurance exchanges in only a handful of states next year after expanding
to 34 this year.
“CEO Stephen Hemsley told analysts Tuesday morning that the company cannot
continue to broadly serve the market created by the Affordable Care Act's
coverage expansion due in part to the higher UnitedHealth Group Inc. has
estimated that it could lose as much as $475 million on its public exchange
business this year. It has already decided to pull out of Arkansas, Georgia and
Michigan in 2017.”
So, here we have a situation similar to Sanders involving himself in
something he knows less than nothing about, fracking. Yet, he presents a
position on the subject anyway, for political purposes. However, when
politicians do that, and actually become involved, the results are generally
disastrous. Which the health care tax is proving over and over again, as every
day goes by.
Bringing us to today's update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Charlie Spiering yesterday wrote:“Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had another coughing
episode this morning during a radio interview with New York city radio show The
Breakfast Club.
“Clinton has had multiple coughing episodes during her campaign for
president, awkwardly interrupting speeches or interviews as she struggles to
regain her voice. She also had a coughing episode during her testimony during
the Congressional Benghazi hearings.”
So, perhaps she has a psychosomatic reaction to situations where she knows
she’s either at fault, such as Benghazi, or knows she doesn’t deserve, such as
her her attempt for the White House.
However, whatever the case, the most interesting thing about the article was
the reader reaction. For what it’s worth, at 10:01AM this morning 6,522 comments
had been posted. A scroll-through showed none worth repeating, most of them
childish. But not one of them was favorable toward her.
And then, this is From Drudge’s website:

Which brings up the recurring question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry
Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading
That’s it for today folks.
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