Monday, April 6, 2015


Significant technology glitches to deal with today, leaving little time for researching current events. Did notice, however, that Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Congress would exercise its "rightful role" to scrutinize and approve any agreement to curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting international sanctions and “hoped to find a path to allow Congress to express itself."
The senator’s comments add to the probability that the president’s “deal” with Iran is far from acceptance as it  presently stands.
On another, more subtle issue, Kanishk Tharoor writes in the
“New York may be about to become even more distinct. The left-leaning New York City council is currently drafting legislation that would allow all legal residents, regardless of citizenship, the right to vote in city elections. If the measure passes into law, it would mark a major victory for a voting rights campaign that seeks to enfranchise non-citizen voters in local elections across the country. A few towns already permit non-citizen residents to vote locally, but New York City would be by far the largest jurisdiction to do so.”
So, what we have here is real evidence of what lies beneath the left’s, and especially the president’s, goal in permitting unlimited illegal immigration. Because, while the health and welfare of the less fortunate is the cover story, where the payoff lies is the building of a huge bloc of reliable voters, reinforcing the Democrat ticket wherever possible.
Thus the situation confirms that for Democrat politicians, their own health, welfare and reelection to office come first, as always.
That’s it for today folks.

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