While still very early in the game and the next presidential election more than a year and a half away, current candidate status really doesn’t mean very much. Nonetheless, Florida’s Marco Rubio announcement of a run on Monday is the hot topic for Republicans at the moment. And that’s why I looked up his credentials, finding the following on FoxNews.com
Rubio bio box…
* 43 years old, born in Miami
* Parents, Mario Rubio and Oria Garcia, emigrated to the U.S. from Cuba in 1956
* University of Florida, B.A. 1993; University of Miami, J.D. 1996
* Florida House of Representatives, 2001-2009
* Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, 2007-2009
* U.S. Senate, member since 2011
* Married Jeanette Dousdebes, 1998
* Four children
* Roman Catholic
* 43 years old, born in Miami
* Parents, Mario Rubio and Oria Garcia, emigrated to the U.S. from Cuba in 1956
* University of Florida, B.A. 1993; University of Miami, J.D. 1996
* Florida House of Representatives, 2001-2009
* Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, 2007-2009
* U.S. Senate, member since 2011
* Married Jeanette Dousdebes, 1998
* Four children
* Roman Catholic
To set things straight, Rubio certainly has done a very professional job lately, especially in regard to immigration reform. But frankly, his qualifications for heading the United States of America are severally lacking. And what the past six years have shown crystal clearly, is that the oval office isn’t the place for an individual to get on the job training.
Consequently, what the nation severely needs is a president who isn’t just talking about ideas for what needs to be done in rebuilding the nation, but has a proven track record showing success in similar circumstances. Which means that at present, the closest a candidate can come is to have been governor of a populous state. And quite fortunately, the Republican party has several in that category now.
Thus, an ideal solution to the nation’s needs, offering the best of both worlds regarding the present and future should be a combination of experience and dynamics such as that offered by Scott Walker at the top, assisted by Marco Rubio as VP learning for tomorrow.
As far as the other side is concerned, Rush as usual had some quite insightful perceptions of Bill Clinton’s wife’s presidential candidacy, as follows:
“Mrs. Clinton hasn't the slightest idea, and neither does Barack Obama and most in the Democrat Party, despite their claim they stand for the little guy, they really don't know what everyday Americans, ordinary Americans, I prefer to call 'em the people that make the country work, they literally have no idea what life is like for most of those people today. They live in their cocoons. They tell themselves they got a great economic recovery going. They tell themselves they've got a great foreign policy going. They tell themselves that because life is great for them inside the Beltway in their little cocoon, it's good for everybody. They have no idea.
“They have no idea about student loan debt. They have no idea of the literal panic that's out there over Obamacare. They have no idea about people being downsized from full-time work to 30 hours a week just to keep health care. They have no idea, and they don't want to understand it, and they keep making it worse. They keep flooding the market with illegal aliens hoping to be granted amnesty that will flood the ordinary American market and dilute it even more.”
Thus, what Rush was describing is the deluded mentality of every leftist who generally believe that their fictional utopia is, or can someday be, reality.
Rush also had an interesting conversation with a caller upset about all the coverage Bill’s wife is currently getting.
“CALLER: Well, that's 'cause the Democrats are now running scared seeing that Hillary is out there now, and now people are really seeing what she is. And while I have you on, I've gotta tell you, Fox is really making a mistake. I had to turn them off for the last three days because all they talked about every 10 minutes was Hillary. Hillary's going to announce. They're making her bigger than life.
RUSH: Well, yeah, but they have a news operation at Fox, and that is the narrative of the day. She's the next person to announce and it's Hillary Clinton, and they can't ignore it.
CALLER: No, they can't ignore it, but they were making it bigger than they were for the Republicans.
RUSH: Oh. Well, wait 'til Jeb officially announces, and you'll see, they'll fix it.
CALLER: (laughing)
RUSH: They will. What's everybody laughing at?”
And finally. Another FoxNews.com article concerning Congress reviewing the Iran deal was commented on by a reader, BigGovtMeansLessFreedom, who suggested:
“Let’s send over the Teamsters and UAW to unionize the Iran workers.
This will slow the nukes way down!”
That’s it for today folks.
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