Monday, April 20, 2015


Marisa Guthrie in via Drudge, wrote about her insightful interview with Fox News' Chief, Roger Ailes.
While Fox has become the most successful news outlet in history, Mr. Ailes $15 billion empire is constantly derided and belittled by those on the left as a biased, fabricating, conveyor of conservative beliefs and ideology Which is why the following paragraph from Ms Guthrie’s article jumped off the page, whereas the statistics mentioned are truly surprising.
Ms Guthrie writes: “Interestingly, while Fox News is the go-to channel for conservatives, about 37 percent of its audience holds "mixed" views, according to a 2014 Pew study, while 14 percent are "liberal" and 4 percent are "consistently liberal."
What the numbers indicate is quite significant, because while 18% of the audience identify themselves as “liberal,” more than a third probably deem themselves independent. Which means that, with all those undecideds, the likelihood is that the road ahead is clear for Republicans in the 2016 presidential election. And that means, unless those Republicans, somehow or other, alienate those open-minded independents, typical Democrat volume at the polls won’t be enough to insure victory next time around.  
Item two concerns Donald Trump, a waste of time usually avoided here, but whom George Will spoke about on Bret Baier’s Special Report on FoxNews.   
As he does each evening, host Baier asked all three Special Report panelists to place their bets in the “candidate casino” on the odds of which candidates will get their respective party’s nominations. Will threw most of his chips (a total of $100) at Scott Walker and Jeb Bush, with enough left over for Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Bobby Jindal.
And then Will said this: “One dollar on Donald Trump in the hope that he will be tempted to run, be predictably shellacked, and we will be spared evermore this quadrennial charade of his.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
And now, today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
The New York Times, no less, reported Monday that a new book, "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich," is set for release on May 5.
The work will make new claims about donations to the Clinton Foundation by foreign donors, reportedly asserting that “foreign entities that donated to the foundation -- and that gave former President Bill Clinton high-dollar speaking fees -- in turn received favors from the Clinton State Department.
Author Peter Schweizer reportedly claims to have found a "pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds."
“According to the Times, which got an advance copy of the book, Schweizer's examples include a Colombia free-trade agreement that helped a major donor and projects in the wake of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.”
The article struck home because the same information’s been posted here for several years now. Which means that, perhaps being a source of ideas and input, instead of posting daily updates on Bill’s wife, this author should have written the book himself.
That’s it for today folks.

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