As 2016 draws closer, some strongly conservative Republican candidates might want to give further thought to staunch objection to same-sex marriage. And although it’s rightfully a very serious matter to significant factions of party supporters, unless some kind of grounds for an acceptable solution can be found, large numbers of open-minded voters might very well be lost to the other party.
According to the latimes via Drudge, “As the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on same-sex marriage, a new poll shows that more American adults are believed to be in gay marriages or domestic partnerships than had been previously thought.
“A Gallup poll released on Friday found that nearly 2 million adults are part of a same-sex couple, of whom about 780,000 are married.”
What’s most important about the statistics politically is that although, “Those results are higher than findings by the Census Bureau and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention., [t]he latest relationship numbers come amid polls showing a general acceptance of same-sex marriage in recent years. A Washington Post-ABC poll released this week found that 61% of Americans said they support allowing gays to marry and 35% said they were opposed. A decade ago, opponents outnumbered supporters of gay marriage by 58% to 39%.”
Furthermore, “According to the latest Gallup poll, about 0.3% of adults in the United States are married to a same-sex spouse and an additional 0.5% identify as being in a same-sex domestic partnership.” Which means that all the commotion and attention are being focused on a population segment that isn’t even a drop in the bucket, and certainly not worth losing an election over without a serious discussion about how the issue might be dealt with more amenably by those on both sides of the argument.
As far as the situation itself is concerned, an interesting, and quite valid comment came from hyperionxvii, who asked: “Would we even be having this conversation if it weren't for the messed up tax system and the way that businesses dole out benefits based on marital status?
“I mean, really, who would want a state issued marriage cert if it didn't get you all these little perks?
“Anyone can say they are married and have a ceremony of marriage and be married by a priest of their favored religion, all without the blessing of the state. But they can't get those little perks.
“So it all comes down once again, to the states power to control individuals.”
And that’s something to surely think about.
On another favorite topic for the left, Mike Sugerman,, writes that, “The people who want us to use less water are part of a system that could be among the biggest water wasters in San Francisco. That system is in hot water, because of hot water.
“After the water is heated up, the condensated water is then discharged into the sewer system,” said Tyrone Jue of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. “This is drinking water that is being used for the steam loop.”
“Water is heated to make steam to heat City Hall and 170 other nearby buildings. Although City Hall reuses most of its portion, a quarter million gallons a day goes wasted. Good drinking water ends up in the sewer. It’s a system that is more than 80 years old.
“This system has been set up in the city for many decades, as far as this steam loop. It doesn’t rely on fossil fuels or natural gas to heat these buildings. So in that sense it’s good,” Jue said.
So, while significant portions of California are now dealing with man-made water-shortages and drought, brought on by self-serving environmentalists, San Francisco permits 250,000 gallons per day go to waste willfully primarily due to seriously outdated technology. Which makes one wonder exactly how much more these people will do to each other purposefully, chasing issues that exist primarily in their imaginations.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, who appeared yesterday in New York City at the 2015 Women in the World Summit, which got some attention from Rush on his website.
RUSH: “And there I am, ladies and gentlemen, living rent-free, once again, in the brains of the entire Clinton crime family.”
He was referring to Bill’s wife who said, ‘There are those who offer themselves as leaders who see nothing wrong with denying women equal pay."
Rush then asked, “You mean like Obama? Oh, yeah! The women on Obama's staff make much less than the men make. You know, the Democrats start throwing these charges around, and when you examine the way they operate, they are always guilty of every charge they level at us.”
Farther on, Rush added: “By the way, the Washington Free Beacon has a story that the Hillary Clinton campaign confirms that the gender pay gap analysis that they did is accurate. "The Hillary Clinton campaign has confirmed the accuracy of a Washington Free Beacon analysis that showed that women working in Clinton’s Senate office were paid just 72 cents for each dollar paid to men."
“So here she is out there at this women's conference bellyaching and moaning about how unfair it is to women out there, they're underpaid. And it happened right in her office, and it happened right in Obama's office. Standard, flat-out hypocrisy 101. These people are the champions of it.”
According to, 562 days remain until the presidential election. Which makes one wonder, that with a new negative story about Bill and his wife appearing virtually daily, how many could possibly be left? And, from what we’ve seen so far, the answer is probably 561.
That’s it for today folks.
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