Slow news day yesterday. However, an article from Times of Israel staff and AP via Drudge was quite informational indeed.
Saturday was Army Day in Iran, marked with a military parade featuring new weapons systems. There was also a truck “carrying a massive banner reading “Death to Israel.”
“A televised broadcast of the parade was punctuated by repeated cries of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”
“Among the weapons systems paraded past dignitaries was a domestically produced version of the Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missile, the Bavar 373. Russia announced earlier this week that it would supply the S-300s to Iran shortly, having delayed delivery for several years.”
As far as U.S. reaction was concerned, “President Barack Obama said he was surprised the Russians had held back from going through with the deal for as long as they had.”
At the same time, reports from the Wall Street Journal that, “President Obama suggested on Friday that Iran could receive significant economic relief immediately after concluding a deal to curb its nuclear program, a gesture towards one of Tehran’s key demands.”
Which means that there is just about no doubt remaining that the president’s agenda all along has been to let Iran fill his tribute to Chicago's Reverend Wright, by clearing the way for the reverend’s anti- Semitic “March to Jerusalem.”
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. This one includes the president and comes from Rush, five or six days ago, as follows:
“Mrs. Clinton hasn't the slightest idea, and neither does Barack Obama and most in the Democrat Party, despite their claim they stand for the little guy, they really don't know what everyday Americans, ordinary Americans, I prefer to call 'em the people that make the country work, they literally have no idea what life is like for most of those people today. They live in their cocoons. They tell themselves they got a great economic recovery going. They tell themselves they've got a great foreign policy going. They tell themselves that because life is great for them inside the Beltway in their little cocoon, it's good for everybody. They have no idea.
They have no idea about student loan debt. They have no idea of the literal panic that's out there over Obamacare. They have no idea about people being downsized from full-time work to 30 hours a week just to keep health care. They have no idea, and they don't want to understand it, and they keep making it worse. They keep flooding the market with illegal aliens hoping to be granted amnesty that will flood the ordinary American market and dilute it even more.”
That's about as accurate and concise as a synopsis of political demagoguery as can be found.
Then, during a Republican during a party summit in New Hampshire, according to, “Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal began his remarks by pretending to have mistakenly read a Clinton stump speech, saying he wanted to talk about President Obama’s “great success” in the Middle East.
“I’m sorry, this is Hillary Clinton’s speech, not my speech,” Jindal said to laughter and applause.”
That's it for today folks.
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