Looks like the Duke University intensive study absolving human activity from causing global-warming has set environmentalist alarmists spinning to react.
Seth Borenstein of Associated Press via Drudge headlined a story today, “Study blames global warming for 75 percent of very hot days”
Borenstein writes, “Lead author Erich Fischer, a climate scientist at ETH Zurich, a Swiss university, and colleague Reto Knutti examined just the hottest of hot days, the hottest one-tenth of one percent. Using 25 different computer models. Fischer and Knutti simulated a world without human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and found those hot days happened once every three years."
The article continues,”And as climate change worsens around mid-century, that percentage of extremely hot days being caused by man-made greenhouse gases will push past 95 percent, according to the new study published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change.”
Then comes the interesting, statistical, part. “The figures that Fischer and Knutti calculated are global estimates. The margins of error, plus or minus about 13 percent with current hot days, grow larger when smaller regions are considered. However, they found Africa and South America now have the highest percentages of unusual hot days that could be blamed on human influence, 89 percent and 88 percent respectively. Europe, at 63 percent, and North America, with 67 percent, come in at the lowest. By mid-century, if emissions continue at current pace, all continents will be able blame at least 93 percent of super hot days on humans.”
Key points to note are the truly huge margin for error, a whopping 13%, and the fact that as part of Northern America, the U.S. has almost the lowest percentage of all hot days on the planet.
Most important, though, is that this study is another based on computer models, which in most cases are proving faulty at best, or worse, totally wrong.
Conversely, the Duke University report titled; “Global Warming More Moderate Than Worst-Case Models,” says, “A new study based on 1,000 years of temperature records suggests global warming is not progressing as fast as it would under the most severe emissions scenarios outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).”
Most importantly then, the Duke-led report being based on “1,000 years of temperature records,” did not simply “simulate” computer models, but instead applied the result of documented fact.
The saddest part of the scenario, though, is that even though the case presented by the ETH Zurich study is most likely totally wrong, most people won’t even read beyond the headline. If they even notice the article at all. Which is how the global-warming farce got this far in the first place.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, this one from Alex Swoyer on breitbart.com who writes: “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton holds a dubious record: she’s gone longer than any presidential candidate in modern history without appearing on a national television news network or conducting a sit down interview with national media.”
After a two-minute recorded message on Twitter regarding her presidential run, she “went to Iowa by van without giving any time to the national press, and very little time – if any – to local reporters.”
Researching the “2012 and 2008 primaries suggests the longest a candidate went without doing an interview with national press after a presidential bid announcement was roughly two days.”
So, perhaps, that’s her strategy for the entire campaign. Which would make sense, because it seems that everything she’s involved with usually seems like it might be illegal, while when she shows up and talks her poll numbers drop. And thus, staying quiet and perhaps hiding out at home, may be her best bet for still having a chance at being elected at all.
That’s it for today folks.
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